Chapter 23

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Violet looked at herself in the mirror. Her pastel blue dress looked enticing. And her hair shone and sparkled with an intensity that she could feel her eyes getting arrested at the mere sight of them.

Violet smiled. She did not know why. She was just..happy. Or probably satisfied. 

Violet blinked. Was she happy because she felt...loved?

Was it because of Simon or the anonymous man?

Violet recollected Miranda's words-

You know, his eyes shine when he looks at you.

When you dance, his eyes are busy noticing your movements.

When you talk, his eyes are busy noticing the small details of your face.

Violet shut her eyes and tried to think of all those conversations she had with Simon.

Did he notice her too often?

Did he really like her?

Violet heaved a sigh. She was overthinking, clearly.

Maybe she should clear her head and only focus on tonight.

As Violet brushed her dress and straightened the tiny creases, she remembered something her father had told her a few years ago-

Violet, dear, don't ever draw conclusions from overthinking. Because overthinking botches more relationships than it patches.

So Violet shook her head, looked ahead and wore the most precious possession of hers'- her smile.

The moment Violet entered the ballroom alongside her mother and father, she was soon engulfed by gentlemen, yearning for her attention. As she struggled her way to reach the end of the ballroom, she realized that she had promised dances to eleven men.

Violet, upon finally reaching her destination, first started looking out for Simon. With Miranda gone, Violet was unable to think of anything else that could amuse her. Or anyone else.

But she could not figure out why her eyes darted back and forth, searching for Simon's face.

Violet resisted a smile. She was yet to meet the anonymous man too.

Two distinct men in her life, ugh. What was she up to?

"Miss Violet" came a voice from behind her.

Violet turned around and bobbed a curtsy "Lord Simon."

Simon smiled "I was searching for you."

Violet blushed "really?"

"Yes, indeed. I was hoping we could escape this chaotic ballroom and take a stroll at the back of the mansion."

Violet hesitated "would-um, would that be a wise thing to do- I-I mean I've promised a dance to eleven gentlemen."

"Miss Violet, may I have the pleasure of the twelfth dance with you?" Simon asked.

"Sure Lord Simon." Violet blushed.

"Don't worry. We will be back to the ballroom before the dance begins."

Violet nodded and they left through the back of the ballroom, coming out of the mansion to be welcomed by the embracing arms of the beautiful eve.

Violet felt the current of happiness jolt right through her veins.

"Miss Violet, It's honestly exhilarating how we feel things and comprehend them better at evenings."

"I am sorry, but I don't quite follow.."

"I mean, I've always felt better at evenings. It's just so calm and soothing, I-I like the splendid darkness."

"I see" Violet said and smiled "But I'm a different person I feel. I like mornings. I like sunny days and beautiful flowers that compliment the sunshine by growing and nurturing. It feels alive in the morning, don't you think?"

"When you don't have anyone to talk to, no part of the day ever feels alive."

Violet looked at Simon. His face bore no expression as his eyes tried to focus on the night sky, straining from releasing a tear drop, probably.

Violet just couldn't understand what it was that was bothering him so much.

She really wanted to ask him, but refrained herself from doing so. Violet truly wanted to help him and make him happy. After all that he'd done for her, she really wanted to do something for him. 

As they walked in utter silence for almost thirty seconds, Violet felt something bothering the hem of her dress. Within the split of a second, she almost tripped...

But Simon caught her just in time "Miss Violet! Are you alright?"

"Stick- it was the stick-" Violet blabbered trying to catch hold of herself . She felt her senses being thrown out of their places.

"I beg your pardon?" Simon frowned.

Violet tried to stand properly as she composed herself "I'm so sorry. There's probably a large stick that I must have stepped upon, and I suppose it got caught into the hem of my dress, I feel."

"Let me have a look at it."

Saying this Simon slowly took out the stick and adjusted her hem accordingly.

Violet was astonished.

Lord Simon being a Earl, and especially one who barely knew her, did something so small that she just felt that it spoke a lot about him as a person. 

Most Earls always walked with their shoulders uptight and their heads held high, that they would frown upon most women, belittling them and not considering them worthy of their attention.

But Lord Simon altogether was a different Earl, a different man, and he truly cared about Violet.

As he adjusted her hem, he looked at Violet and smiled.

Violet caught her breath as she felt the realization engulf her heart.

Was she falling in love?

Dear, Miss Violet. ✔Where stories live. Discover now