Chapter 4

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Violet entered the ballroom, and sighed internally as the collective breaths in the ballroom rose and fell in unison.

Everyone was stunned and shocked into silence and Violet heard a lady say "she's so beautiful, my lord."

Suddenly from nowhere, a herd of men ran to her side, praising her profusely and acknowledging her presence like she was some queen.

Violet hated all that attention.
She wished that, she could have been some normal genteel lady, with acceptable charm.

After sometime, the amount of stares declined, and Violet was finally left alone.

She looked at her dance card and groaned. She had promised a dance to thirteen men.

She for once wished that she was not given so much importance.

Violet honestly didn't feel like a beauty, but those men kept blabbering that she was the most beautiful woman they'd ever seen.

Violet knew that even though the men were after her, umpteen women hated her. They would gossip about the over attention that she would get and would label her as 'unworthy' of all that.

And just because of that, she would cry alone and then would dry her tears as fast as she could to meet those men who wanted to marry her.

All in all, Violet lived a life that was paradoxical at the least and unimaginably bad at the best.

Violet even remembered that once, her cousin had told her that she would love to have the same problems that Violet had, of many men behind her, but Violet didn't reply.

Because Violet knew that her cousin would never understand her problem ever, and the gravity of it.

Violet was called lucky, but only she knew what it actually felt like having innumerable people encircling her, but still always being alone.

Because having people with you, whom you can never confide in, can never be called as your own.

Violet sighed. She was letting her lone disturb her.

So she decided to freshen up, and so rose to go to the restroom.

Violet felt a bit tired, and decided to actually find out the reason behind her exhaustion.

Yes, she couldn't sleep much but-

"OH MY GOD!" Violet screamed as she accidentally bumped into someone in the dark corridor.

Violet and the person that she'd bumped into, both fell on the floor and groaned loudly.

Luckily, there was no one in the corridor except for them to witness the embarrassment.

Violet looked at the person and gulped.

It was Simon Siddell, the Earl of Watford.

Violet could suddenly feel nervousness unfolding into something nastier in her.

Lord Simon's glass had fallen down too, and had broken into a million pieces.

And the drink in it, was all spilled on his coat and boots.

And, obviously, Earls wore expensive clothes and footwear.

Lord Simon rose quickly, and stared at Violet in shock for a few seconds, before he regained his senses and outstretched his hand to help her to her feet.

Violet let her hand in his, and the warmth of it warmed her heart to the core.

His hand felt large

And Violet didn't even know the reason behind it, as they had only met once or twice earlier.

She never felt a connection with him ever, but at the moment, Violet felt drawn into his eyes.

Lord, he was but handsome.

Such beautiful features! Violet wanted to touch his sharp face and smooth hair.

But she let the thought drift off, because this would only lead her to something unfamiliar and also she didn't belong with him to-

"Are you-you al-alright Mi-Miss Vio-Violet?" Lord Simon inquired.

Violet pressed her lips together "I'm really sorry.....really sorry. I can't explain how bad I'm feeling right now. Lord Simon, I'm ashamed. Please forgive me if you can."

Simon widened his eyes and said "please stop apologizing, it wasn't your fault!"

"It was. I was lost in my own thoughts and didn't-"

"Even I was in deep thoughts and didn't see you coming at all."

"But the drink that got spilled on your boots and coat...."

"Oh this?" Simon laughed "Miss Violet, these aren't the only coat and boots left with me."

Violet laughed despite herself. This man had humour.

Lord Simon smiled a dangerous smile, and wiped his coat with his handkerchief, trying to keep his profile low as he swayed his eyes away from her face.

Suddenly, Lord Simon turned serious, extremely slowly. The smile got wiped off his face, and his spine stiffened.


His eyes darkened.

"I need to leave now."

Saying this, Lord Simon left.

Violet frowned.

This man was really mysterious. He'd left so suddenly, that Violet knew that something wasn't right.

Rumour had it that Lord Simon was once like a casanova. All women would swoon as he passed by them.

His charm was famous, and so was his wit.

But then, suddenly, he started turning dangerously silent and the entire London in question was finding the reason behind his enigmatic behavior.

Violet even remembered that her mother had told her to stay away from him. Because her mother feared that he could harm her.

But deep down, Violet knew that something else lay within his surface.

And Violet desperately wanted to know what that 'something' was.

Dear, Miss Violet. ✔Where stories live. Discover now