Chapter 41

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Violet got ready the following morning, and as she was about to sit at her desk, a knock sounded at her bedroom door.

"Come in."

"Miss Violet, you have a gentleman caller" the butler intoned.
"It's Earl Watford."

Violet blushed. It was the first time Simon had called upon her.

"Tell him that I'll meet him in a minute."

The butler nodded and left.

Violet looked into the mirror and straightened her posture. She quite liked her rose hued gown as it made her eyes stand out.

Walking toward the guest room, the excitement crept through her, and she took a deep breath as she entered the room.

There he was, in a brown coat and black breeches, looking as handsome and immaculate as the prince in romance novels.

Solely arrived in scene to meet his princess.

He looked at her, and her heart skipped a beat. There was humor and love right there in the blue shade of his eyes and his slow and dramatic gait toward her filled her up with so much thrill.

"Violet, my dear.." he said, leaning down and dropping a soft kiss on her left brow.

He brushed past her for a moment and closed and locked the door, pulling her roughly into his arms.

"What are you doing?" Violet whispered "the closed door may raise speculations."
Simon bit into her cheek softly "I don't care."

Violet nuzzled up against him as short pangs of desire shot through her like a bullet.

"You are so perfect.." he groaned.

"How perfect?" she mumbled.


Violet nodded and pulled him even closer, feeling their souls merge into one.

She raked her hand through his hair, inching him dangerously closer and together they tumbled and fell onto the sofa.

A spurt of laughter bubbled through her as they fell, and after mere moments they laughed in unison until their stomachs hurt.

"Oh, Sim-" she giggled, gasping for air.

Simon finally stopped laughing and placed his hand over hers. 

"Violet, why do I want you so much?"

She looked at him and placed her index finger on his lip "how do I know, when I'm sailing in the same boat?"

With a swift movement of his lip, he caught her finger and lightly bit into it "is it?"

Violet inched closer "yes."

Simon lowered her beneath him and as he lay atop her, she felt utterly happy just to be with him.

With him, she felt powerful, renewed, and safe.

He buried his face in her hair and his scent intoxicated her.

His masculinity coupled with his persona, and sheer male allure reached out to her and grabbed her into it's embrace.

She was a sunflower and he was her sun, and she'd turn to him as if he was the light that gave her life.

Violet hugged him and moved her hand to his hair, mussing it up a little. Suddenly she remembered that she was in her parents house, and if one of them knocked upon the door, she'd be unable to face them.

"Simon.." she squeaked "get up, please."

Simon's passion filled eyes looked utterly dazed "why?"
"What if someone knocks at the door?"

Simon sighed and nodded, trailing one last kiss at her collarbone. Violet gasped and as he was about to pull his head away, she pulled him back and looked into his eyes "Simon, I wish we could stay like this forever."

"Me too, Violet, me too."

They slowly got up and Violet opened the door. She ordered biscuits and sat opposite to him, her facial expression one of sheer amusement.

"I say Violet, should we go out for a walk?" Simon asked, biting into the raisin biscuits.

"Yes, It's a wonderful day. Wait let me get my bonnet.."

The duo headed out, and Violet could sense the ambiance bubbling with unconcealed excitement. 

They walked through three gardens, a flower shop and finally halted in front of a dress shop.

"Want to go in?" Violet teased.

Simon smirked "let's."

Madame Georgiana, the famous owner of the shop greeted them "hello dear."

"Hello" Violet greeted back "can you show me a dress that would bring out the shade of my eyes?"

Madame Georgiana nodded, eyeing Simon who was standing at the corner of the shop "uhm, is he courting you?"

Violet turned around and looked at Simon, blushing all along "he's a friend of mine."

"Lord Simon?" Madame Georgiana frowned "isn't he that dark and serious Earl? The one who has a dangerous reputation?"

Violet cleared her throat "I don't know which Lord Simon you're talking about. Because the one I know has the kindest heart."

Madame Georgiana frowned again but didn't say anything. She led Violet to the front corner of the shop where pastel blue and violet dresses were kept.

Violet picked one dress she thought looked ultra alluring. It was a subtle merge of blue and violet, and had silver neckline with the hem lighter than the overall gown.

The silk material melted onto her skin, and the low deep cut at the neck made the dress look daring.

She tried the dress, and at the same time allowed Madame Georgiana to replace her earrings with silver studs. She also fixed her coiffure, and changed her gloves.

Violet finally looked at the mirror in awe.

She looked beautiful. She felt beautiful.

Simon would be so impressed! Sparks of love set her eyes on fire and she could see how happy she felt.

How loved she felt.

With a nod of approval to Madame Georgiana, she walked toward the other corner of the room.

Where her gentleman would be waiting for her.

With love in his eyes. 

Dear, Miss Violet. ✔Where stories live. Discover now