Chapter 12

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Violet went out with Albert next day.

She needed to talk a lot with her favorite person, as he had come to London after nearly 7 months.

"Violet, is it just me, or is London too noisy?" Albert asked as they roamed in the market.

"Umm, Albie, is it just me or do other people too, usually find you dramatic?" Violet asked.

They both laughed in unison.

"I love my home, nothing like it. Compared to the countryside, everything else really feels dull" Albert said.

"What do you mean?" Violet questioned.

"Back at my home, my dear country side home,

everything feels so beautiful and quiet.

Without that charming atmosphere, without the hills,

nothing quite feels alright.

I'll be right there, where the river flows,

I'll sit there with a fine glass of chardonnay.

I'll wait till the air arrives and glows,

I'll listen to what the clouds have got to say.

I don't know what else to do,

I don't know what to believe,

I don't know where I'll stay or go,

But I do know, that I want to come home by eve."

"Oh my God Albert! Have you written this?" Violet asked.

"I have, Violet. I usually keep writing" Albert shrugged.

Violet smiled "Albie, why don't you publish your work?"

"It's not that good, you know" Albert sighed "well, what ALL is happening with you? I need to ask."

"Can I confide in you?" Violet gulped.

"With all your heart" Albert said.

"Umm.." Violet narrated the incident of when Lord Simon took care of Violet's illness.

"Really?" Albert frowned "You were at his home yesterday?"

"I was. And that man took care of me like I was his baby. To this day I don't really know why people think of him as a devil. He's so kindhearted. He helped me even though we have merely been acquainted. There might be some of his past that bothers him or some secret buried deep in his heart, but his eyes are true. And they reflect his nature. The real nature."

Albert stopped to collect some flowers in the noisy market. There, cauldron of noise layered through the air timelessly as flocks of people kept pacing back and forth trying to save their money by exposing their stingy selves.

"Aunt, how much do these flowers cost?" Albert asked the shopkeeper.

"Three pence."

Albert handed over the money, and gave Violet the flowers.

"Violet, how long have you known Lord Simon for?"
"Thank you for the flowers. Two days, but I've always heard about him a little."

"Do you want that bonnet hanging right over there? It's beautiful" Albert asked pointing over to a pastel blue bonnet in a bonnet stall.

"Albert, what's your point?"

"My point is dear lady that, don't judge easily. That man has gotten himself into matters that are not suitable for a genteel lady's ears."

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