Chapter 35

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Sixteen years ago..

A little and adorable six year old Violet was playing with her dolls, slowly picking up each and every one of them and cuddling with them. 

She loved those dolls too much. Her brother Richard had gifted them to her, so how could she part with them?

"What is my little angel up to? Another mischief?" came a voice from behind her.

Violet looked back and smirked "brother! My mischief makes itself known, haha!"

Richard stepped forward in a dramatic gait "my my! I'm in grave danger then."

Violet giggled and rushed into his arms. He'd come home nearly after 6 months of university.

"How did you like my gift?" Richard asked, lightly stroking her hair.

"It is the best! You know how much I love dolls!" Violet replied, hugging him tighter.

Richard laughed "more than me?"

Violet pulled away and kept her hands on her hips "I don't love anyone more than you!"
"Not even mother and father?" he teased.

"NO NO NO!" Violet laughed, clasping her hands together.

Richard leaned down and kissed Violet on her cheek "I'm the luckiest brother."

"Why?" Violet questioned, her eyes full with curiosity.

Richard pulled her cheeks "This sister of mine is the most adorable sister to ever exist."

Violet smiled and licked her lips "thank you Richie!"

Richard grinned "by the by, I'm going to the nearby town, will return by evening."

Violet's face fell "why?"

Richard sighed "I have to meet with a friend, his father passed away yesterday. Have to offer my condolences, right?"

"Right" Violet said and twisted her mouth.

"So, you know the meaning of the word 'condolences'?" Richard asked in wonder.

"I'm six now. I'm smart" Violet said, crossing her arms.

"I know that. Mother was saying that she teaches you a few words everyday."

"Yes, she does. One big word, and three small ones, everyday."

Richard smiled "I see. Shall I leave now?"

Violet nodded "please come home soon. The chef will make beef curry today."

"I wouldn't miss it for the world!" Richard laughed.

Violet laughed too "I'll miss you."

"I will not be gone forever, my dear."

"I know that, but i'll miss you. I always miss you, all the time."

Richard's eyes softened "that is the most beautiful thing I've ever heard.."

Violet took his hand and firmly held it in hers' "Richie, when you are not at home, you have no idea how much I miss you. I love you. You are the best, and the funniest brother."

Richard pressed his lips together in an attempt to control his tears "I-I Violet.."

"You love me, right?"

Richard pulled her in his arms "with all the feelings that exist in the universe."

"What is 'universe'?"

Dear, Miss Violet. ✔Where stories live. Discover now