Chapter 44

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Violet woke up with a fresh perspective the following morning and an afflicted heart which she tried to ignore.

Her brain throbbed a bit as she got dressed. She felt a little exhausted, but waved off her fatigue as she sat on her bed to think. She'd decided to just give the matter a little thought and figure out what to do next.

As she spread out her legs on her bed, her eyes fell upon the brown basket atop her desk. She'd completely forgotten about it in the span of two days.

Violet had been too occupied by Simon's thoughts to even bother looking around in her room.

She walked over to her desk, and took out the letters from the basket.

There were three white hued envelopes violet one. With the sketch of a violet bloom. And the scent of violet flowers.


Sighing..she sat on her chair, opening the envelope slowly.

Dear, Miss Violet

I love how my words get to you and grab you. I love how you fumble so lovingly that you are even unable to reply. I want to see your reaction when you read my letters...but alas! 

We can't meet, right?

I love you so so so much that it even scares me.

I wake up and think about you..

You have captured my heart, and I'm a prisoner of your beauty. My only crime is that I loved you. And those dangerous eyes of yours have caught hold of my senses.

I am unable to think. You have stayed in my heart as well as my brain for too long now.

Sometimes, I really think about our future.

But do we even have one?
Do we, Miss Violet?

Never mind, just forget it. 

And say?

When are you replying to this mad lover of yours?

One and only,


Violet felt a tear roll down her eye. It fell on the letter, and the ink smudged a little. Violet kept the letter in her desk and took out a crisp white sheet from her desk drawer.

She firmly wrote her letter with a heavy heart. For a minute, Violet even thought of anonymous. What if she actually had a chance with him?

But all the time Simon clouded over her head. She just couldn't imagine a life with anonymous now that Simon was in it.

It would kill her just to imagine someone else except Simon as her husband.

Ugh! She just couldn't believe that one moment she was dancing in his arms and the other- he just walked away.

From her life.

Violet put her letter in an envelope and picked her bonnet.

Wearing her gloves and bonnet, she dashed out of her room and out of the house.

Her anger and pain knew no bounds, and she really wanted to just barge into Simon's house and ask him at least a million questions.

She first went to the Ambient garden and dropped her letter behind the rose bush. And then with long strides, quickly made her way to Simon's house.

How dare he abandon her like that? Yes, she knew that he was dealing with a problem, but why couldn't he just tell her about it directly? 

She knew that she might not be able to help him so much, but she could always share his pain.

And together they could work out a solution.

Violet took in a deep breath, and dropped the knocker three times across the wood. A butler opened the door and ushered her inside into the guest room.

He went and called Simon.

As Violet waited for several minutes, her anxiety started bubbling into dangerous waters and she found herself pinching the sofa cushion to keep herself from getting up and barging into his room.

After a few more minutes, the butler entered the room and intoned "sorry, Miss Violet. But Lord Simon isn't available to receive you yet. He has a note for you, though."

Violet's shoulders slumped as the took the note.

Violet, dear,

I'm sorry. I can't receive you.

I simply can't.

There isn't much I can do to help you, I've made it clear.

And please, please don't come to meet me. Because even if I see your face, even once, I will not be able to control myself, or my tears. Again.

Yours truly,


Violet felt hot tears at her eyes. She looked at the butler "I'll take my leave then."

The butler nodded and escorted her out. 

She slowly walked her way home, contemplating her next move.

But, she thought, there wasn't much she could do without Simon's support.

And he wasn't even ready to meet her.

As the birds chirped and the wind gushed through the trees, Violet Greenhill could feel her life shatter in front of her eyes.

There wasn't much left now.

But then again, there had never been anything left too at the start.

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