Chapter 13

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Simon entered the bar.

He was too heavy in the head to contemplate anything, and over anything, he needed a drink.

Just needed to vent out his anger. Or douse it with beer.

Violet hadn't replied to his letter yet, and he needed to communicate with her. He needed to talk to her. The knot of his love for her was becoming too heavy to bear.

The dark bar did nothing to aid in his endeavor.

He sat at the counter, awaiting his beer.

He noticed a slight movement at the corner of his eyes.

Damn. Lord Colin.

What the hell was he doing here at this moment?

Lord Colin came and sat beside Simon. 

"Lord Simon." 

"Lord Colin."

"How are faring lately?"


"You did not ask me, but I'm fine too, Simon."

Simon looked at Colin. He looked flushed out. Maybe he was a little tipsy.

"How much have you have had to drink?" Simon asked.

"Need I tell you?" Colin questioned.

Simon shrugged "nevertheless."

Simon received his beer, and the mote of quietude was all fine with him, but probably not with Colin.

"My arm still hurts you know. After it was met with your oh-so-not-nice bullet shot" Colin said.

Simon took a sip "nice enough to shut your mouth for months."

Colin laughed "you haven't lost your foul mouthed trait, have you?"

"Apparently not."

"What ol' grudge do you hold against me, Simon?"

"Nothing. You opened your damn mouth. That's enough to strike my temper."

"What did I say?"

"Don't start here, Colin, I warn you."

"Tell me?"


"All I said was that your-"

Before Colin could complete his statement, Simon had him by his throat.

"I'd very well damn told you to shut your damn mouth, you-"

Their glasses broke into several pieces and the crowd jeered and hooted.

Simon was extremely tall and muscular and he backed up against Colin on the counter and punched him in the face.

Colin, unable to bear him, and also a little drunk, fell down to the floor, unconscious.

Simon grunted, and left the bar.

As he sat in his carriage, he could feel tears sting his eyes.

The bad memories kept running through his mind.

And this one statement of those memories epicentred it all-

"Why did you do this?"

Dear, Miss Violet. ✔Where stories live. Discover now