Chapter 7

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Fourteen years ago....

Violet was eight, playing in her home garden, with the beautiful violet blooms her father had grown himself for his loving daughter.

She never had much friends and often found herself chasing butterflies and inhaling the redolence of the blooms. She didn't mind her lone as it helped her discover the nature, time and again.

Violet suddenly spotted a butterfly and chased it as much as she could. It was purely chromatic, small and yet so adorable. So she decided to fool it by holding a violet bloom in her hand. She did so and stretched her hand up as she saw the butterfly slowly coming to her. The butterfly sat on the bloom and Violet carefully brought her hand down observing the butterfly lovingly.

It was so enticing that Violet could not help but fall in love. The inner surface of its petite wings was a shade of fuchsia, contrasting sharply with the outer surface of cerise hue. The eight black spots on it's body merged entrancingly with the wings.

It caused a spark in Violet's body. It looked as if the butterfly had smothered memories of affliction now unfolding in every spread of it's wings.

Violet could relate to the pain.
She could feel it across the caresses of her heart.
Across the strong folding of her soul that was scarred with the loss of her elder brother.

Violet slowly watched the butterfly fly away and she let it go. Didn't chase it.

Let it go. Let it be.

As Violet watched the evening sky turning into a wild carnivorous flower and two distant spots in the sky resembled beautiful heterochromatic eyes as the clouds passed by them, as freely as those canoes without paddles.

He had been a lovely man and a lovely brother and a lovely son.

The inner wedge of the sky thundered and suddenly lightning tore apart the sky.
At first, rain started washing down in sweet hyphens.
Then there was a lot of it. Violet, who had never been in the mercy of the rain, who had never felt crystal raindrops, absolutely loved the rain.

The innermost chambers of her heart felt impuissant as the raindrops washed away her gloom and lone.

She stayed there for an hour. Rediscovering her deepest measure of sadness.
That's when her mother saw her.
"Violet dear! What are you doing there?"

She and her husband brought Violet inside as she shook vigorously due to the cold and bore the palest eyes.

Violet was given a hot water bath and her parents made her rest on the bed. The maids came in running with towels and the prerequisites.

"Mother I'm not feeling well" Violet said as she laid her back on the bed.

"It's fine. Don't worry. I've called the doctor. But what were you doing out there? "

"I'm missing brother."

Her parents had tears in their eyes.

"He's gone for good" her father said.

"Don't lie father please! I'm thought as young but I'm matured beyond years. I know he's no more! He's not gone for good at all. He just left simply" Violet cried.

"Dear" Violet's mother said, rubbing her hand against Violet's cheek "please, let's not talk about it. I'm hurt. I can't bear that affliction. It's been two years now, and I'm trying very hard to suppress my emotions with all my might, and if you don't aid in my endeavor, who will?"

Violet held back her tears and closed her eyes "I will."

It had been two days, and Violet's fever hadn't budged.

Her fever kept increasing a notch as the hour passed by. Doctors came in and went, unable to treat Violet. The Baronet called the best doctors in town, but to no avail.

Violet looked extremely pale and tired. The color of her cheeks had become dull, and her eyes looked red and swollen.

She was being given umpteen medicines, best treatment, keeping in mind the finances, and yet Violet was unable to heal.

Finally, the only doctor remaining to visit her was called.

He checked Violet and simply said " I'm no exception. I'll give her the same medicines. But if Violet doesn't heal in the next couple of days, she would fall prey to death."

Just as the doctor left, Violet's mother fell to her feet.

Her father and mother cried in each other's arms.

"I don't want Violet to leave us. After Richard's death, I feel heartbroken, and now I can't bear with the loss of our another child. Violet means the world to me" her mother sobbed.

"What sin have we committed that we have to bear this misfortune?" the baronet said quietly.

That moment just across the room, Violet was resting in bed.

She was literally FILLED with fever. But she wasn't sleeping. She could hear every word her parents said with closed eyes.

And that was the moment when Violet knew, that whatever happens in her life, however unfortunate she gets, she would always live for her parents. Only for them.

After two days of praying, hoping and wishing Violet miraculously started to heal.

But deep down she knew, it was her powerful will to live for her parents.

It was the most unexpected happening, and Violet recovered beautifully.

Her parents' happiness knew no bounds. They distributed sweets and thanked the Lord profusely everyday after that. Jesus was their true savior.

But little did her parents know, that both Jesus and the tears that their daughter had cried praying to God even in her sleep to let her survive for her parents, had saved Violet.

Dear, Miss Violet. ✔Where stories live. Discover now