Chapter 54

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As Simon and Violet sat in the carriage, on their way to Mrs. Siminton's house, he felt a strong urge to cry. When he'd heard his father's voice for the first time in such a long time, he'd felt weak. He'd felt small and bereft of strength. Something about that voice belonging to a person who'd killed his family and had the power to kill his son's wife, made Simon restless. 

There wasn't much he could do- he could report his father to the authorities, but Simon had no proof and also his father was a marquess, he had power and contacts. He'd be out roaming in a day or two after getting put in a gaol.

And here Simon was- feeling impuissant and wussy and all the harsh feelings life had thrown upon him for a hell lot of time now.

But apart from that, what affected him was the fact that he had spent a huge portion of his life revering a man who had just used him as an heir. He had loved his father- and his father had been a great friend to him too, but that was, Simon realized just a show of love. And it hurt him even more so.

It was way better to hate someone on their face rather than faking love to them all along. Because once rooted deep into the heart, love holds a lot of gravity that takes a humongous amount of energy to pull out. And that holds the capability to emotionally drain a person. 

For a hell lot of time.

"Simon, are you alright?" Violet asked, looking at him with large eyes.

"I believe so."

As the carriage reached Mrs. Siminton's house, Simon and Violet got down, looking at each other with dread.

Simon realized that this was the only chance he had at a risk free love, and it pumped a newfound determination in him to act upon it.

After knocking upon the door, a butler showed up in no time. He seated Simon and Violet in a guest room.

"Mrs. Siminton has a nice house" Violet remarked.

"Yes, she does" Simon said, looking about. He was trying extremely hard to sound normal but the trepidation had started bubbling in his throat and he felt sick.

 "Hello?" he heard a meek voice from the door "how may I help you?"

Simon rose and bowed "Mrs. Siminton, I'm Earl Watford, grandson of Lady Marian, and this is Miss Violet-"

He looked over at Violet, who smiled at him with a sparkle in her eyes.

"-my fiancée."

Violet smiled a new smile this time, a smile of sheer pleasant surprise.

Mrs. Siminton's eyes took on a new look and she looked as if she would burst into tears any moment now.

"Oh!" she exclaimed "I had heard about you the last time you were leaving for London. You've grown into a handsome man and I must say, your fiancée is beautiful."

"Thank you" Simon and Violet said in unison.

"Please have a seat, please."

After they took their respective seats, Mrs. Siminton asked for tea and biscuits to which Simon politely refused. He was hungry but at the same time his heart was beating in his throat and it took a lot of control to hold back from springing onto his feat and questioning Mrs. Siminton.

"Well then, is there any way I can help you, Lord Simon?"

"Yes, thank you" Lord Simon said and slowly narrated everything. He told her about his father being responsible for the death of his mother and sister, then the risk of marrying Violet and almost anything that came to his mind. He noticed that Mrs. Siminton was uncomfortable by the events he was narrating and Simon quite understood her discomfort. After all hearing such stuff from a person who you were meeting for the first time seemed improper.

Dear, Miss Violet. ✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ