Chapter 39

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Violet looked to her side and smiled "isn't it lovely?"
"Yes.." Simon said wistfully "the stars..they just remind me of how beautiful life can be if we allow it to."

Violet searched his face. He looked slightly glum and his features looked torn "are you alright?"

Simon looked at her and sighed "yes."

"You don't share much, do you?" she asked, quietly.

He looked away and blinked "I don't have a story to share."

Violet stood and sat on his lap "darling, you do. You just don't want to."

Simon's blue eyes, she noted, looked bluer than usual, and slowly she touched his brows and the corner of his eyes.

"What is it.." she whispered "that you're harboring within your heart? Simon, I don't want you to share if you don't want to. But, whatever it is, it shall pass. Whatever it is, I hope, God gives you enough strength to bear. And...If you ever feel like sharing, remember, I'm always here for you."

She saw tears glisten in his eyes "thank you."

Violet leaned forward and kissed away his tears. There was so much beauty in that moment, so much yearning, that the gravity of it weighed down on their shoulders. It was too heavy, but it was worth it. 

She pulled him to her chest and caressed his hair "I'm always here for you, Simon, always."

He wrapped his arms around her waist and closed his eyes "I know."

They stayed like that for a moment, and slowly Violet pulled away "I have something for you."

She opened her reticule and smiled. She'd brought something for him, and was dying to give it to him.

"What is it, honey?" he asked softly, gazing lovingly into her eyes.

Violet pulled out something wrapped in a blue damask. She slowly opened it, and a small crystal arrested their eyes "this is for you."

Simon's lips parted in surprise and he took the crystal "for me?"

"Richard had given it to me, when I'd turned six. He'd told me to give it to the person I loved the most apart from mother and father."

Simon looked into her eyes and she wished, just for a moment, to erase whatever it was that troubled him. His pain spread through her like wildfire, and dousing it only required his happiness. Which she doubted, did exist.

"Vi-Violet.." he crooned, wrapping the crystal in his hand and hugging her "I'm spellbound."

"Simon, I want you to be happy."

"How can I not, when you're beside me?"

Violet hugged him back, and smiled feeling contended.

She stood abruptly and pulled him along with her "let's watch the stars properly."

He looked over at her, with his hands folded "I'm already watching one."

She blushed and touched his cheek "I meant, the stars in the sky."

"Ahh.." Simon turned to look at the sky, enveloping the crystal in the blue damask and keeping it carefully in his pocket "did you know, stars are actually way bigger than they appear.."

Violet turned to him with astonishment "really?"

"Yes, they're extremely big. Bigger than the sun. It's just that they're so further away from us that they appear to be small."

"That's...interesting.." Violet said, wonder clouding her eyes.

"There are as much as infinite stars in the universe."

"That's so not possible.." Violet scoffed.

"It is, because the universe keeps unfolding and it keeps tending to infinity."

Violet sighed "makes me wonder about how small we are as human beings."

"A question that scares me everyday" Simon muttered "what I mean is, we as people don't even matter. Our predicaments, our issues, are just so..minimal. We are so small, and yet our life appears as significant to us as the world. The world, for us, revolves around our life. But, we in front of the universe are as unimportant and small as in one-millionth of a grain..even smaller than that. Basically, our problems are extremely small if we compare it to the vast expanse of the sky, but for us, they have the power to ruin our entire life, which in turn is itself as inconsequential."

Violet looked at him in awe "you have a brilliant brain."

"So I have been told" he said, pulling her closer.

Violet kissed him on the cheek and whispered "your brilliancy makes you tenfold attractive."

Simon crushed her to him and she blushed as his nearness sparked a sensation in her.

Violet let her head rest in the cradle of his arms, and slowly she stretched their hands to the side "Simon, can we dance?"

"Yes, my lady" he said, his blue eyes sparkling with bliss.

Together they moved and danced to the faint music of the musicale.

Violet had never known that she'd enjoy Mozart so much. She'd never liked music, because she had no happy tunes and happy moments to dance to. But this..this felt right in her heart. 

She could dance with him for eternity, if possible. His arms..they felt like the universe-everything. They were everything. For her at least.

They laughed in unison and talked and whispered and sang and danced and swayed. It felt like they were simply gliding across the floor. No, they were flying.

With all the possible happiness that the universe could provide.

And for that moment, Violet didn't care about the vastness of the universe. 

Because she herself was dancing in it's arms.

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