Chapter 21

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Violet could feel her heart blossom. Blossom into something, some feeling so beautiful that she could not feel her wounds anymore. Life was so unpredictable. 

At one moment, a friends hurts you, and at the other a man gifts you scents and blooms.

And blooms of the best variety. Beautiful, scented and distinct violet blooms.

Violet looked at Simon. He looked at her with, in his eyes..?

Violet could not read his eyes, but what Miranda said, was it true?

Did Simon-

"Miss Violet?"

"Lord Simon? Sor-sorry. Just caught off guard" Violet said, dazed and startled.

"Touché" Simon said and they laughed in unison.

It was a splendid unison. Filled with happiness. And pure laughter.

"Miss Violet, these blooms and scents are for you."

"Lord Simon!" Violet said accepting the blooms and scents "these, these are beautiful, thank you!"

"I'm glad you liked them" Simon said and blushed a little.

Violet inhaled the fragrance "are these from 'la senteur'?"

"Yes, how do you know?" Simon questioned.

"I have been there" Violet said smilingly "I inhaled the fragrance of these blooms, and after that till date I haven't been able to forget the way these spark a scent."

"Oh, so you have the scents?"

"No no. These were way too expensive to purchase" Violet said "Lord Simon, I'm really sorry."

"What for?" Simon asked with a frown.

"You wasted your money-"

"Oh please, Miss Violet" Simon said "gifting is a pleasure."

"But" Violet said, clutching the blooms in her hands "how will I ever repay you? You have done so much for me, and a mere thank you will be an insult."

"So you want to repay me, don't you?" Simon asked, his face beginning to gather the first stirrings of a boyish smile.

God, he was handsome.

"Yes!" Violet said and leaned in, excitedly.

"You can repay, by initiating a friendship with me" Simon said and flashed a bright smile, as his hair shone in the sunlight.

Violet could feel small tears at her eyes. This man had a golden heart. And now she was sure of it.

"Lor-Lord Simon, really?" Violet asked, as a tear rolled down her right eye.

"Really, Miss Violet" Simon said "a kind person like you should not be deprived of friendship. You are a kind person and I mean it. You always think positively and good about others. And honestly, the reason behind the friendship is, is- that I li-like your company. You would make a great friend. And I'm sure of it."

Violet blushed and she could feel her cheeks turning pink and rosy and all shy "thank you. So much."

Simon leaned in, a bit more, and whispered "you lost a friend today. But you gained one too. So now, no tears and only smiles. Forget Miss Miranda. Treat her as a bad phase. And start thinking happily, it will only enhance the beauty of your face."

Violet blushed a little more "sure Lord Simon, thank you so much for your time, I'm indebted."

"Me too."

Violet and Simon looked at each other. What had transpired amidst them could make love-struck angels unconscious. It was a weird feeling, but most importantly, a lovely feeling.

Violet rose suddenly, it was getting too hot in there "I-I need to leave. Have some work."

Simon got up "meet you soon, I suppose?"

Violet smiled and curtsied, her cheeks still hurting from all that blushing. 

They left the guest room and Simon settled Violet and her maid in the carriage.   

"Take care" Simon said.

"You too."

Before Violet could search his face for other feelings, the carriage started rolling. 

Violet looked at her maid, who sat beside her. Her maid, before going to Simon's home had whispered in her ears that Violet's mother had warned her not to go to any gentleman's home ever. But Violet hushed her saying that it was an important matter. 


"Yes, Miss Violet?"

"Please don't tell mother about this" Violet said.

"Don't worry, I won't"

The next day, Violet sat at her desk, to check for letters.

There was one.

It was from the anonymous man. 

Violet hadn't really forgotten about him. He had not sent a letter for many days now, and Violet checked her basket everyday to check for his correspondence.

She took out the letter from the basket. And looked at it. She did not know why, but Lord Simon's face suddenly flashed in front of her eyes as she looked at the sketch of the violet bloom. 

Violet felt a need, a crazy desire to look at him in person. To feel his closeness, to feel his friendship and to feel..him. 

Violet shook her head, she was turning crazy. 

The previous day, when she needed to explain the Miranda matter to Lord Simon, Violet was happy when he took the reins in his hands and continued the explanation for her. It wasn't really the correct explanation, but it was far better than her trying it out. 

Violet sighed. It was funny how so much had transpired in such short time. 

She opened the letter, brushing off Lord Simon's thoughts.

Here the letter was~

Dear, Miss Violet, 

It's me. Your anonymous lover. Surprised? I know I did not send a letter to you, for what feels like ages, but what else could I do?

You did not reply to the previous one.

I was scared that you were angry, and so I stopped the correspondence. But after not hearing from you, I realized, I needed to initiate conversation with this beautiful woman, yet again.

I must say, you are one stubborn lady.

We haven't really written to each other for a few days.

Did you miss me, Miss Violet, in this period?  Because I did. 

I missed the curve to your handwriting. You write in an inexplicably attractive manner.

When I look at your writing, I imagine an enticing woman sitting at her desk, in the bright sunlight, looking all sun kissed and rosy.

I feel happy when you reply. It makes my day.

So? When are you replying? To this mad lover of yours?

Yours truly, 


Violet could only stare at the letter. Should she reply?

She thought of Simon- 

Then shook her head. Why did she let him capture her mind? They were only friends and she was no lover of his.

So, Violet pulled out her quill and ink, and began writing.

Dear, Miss Violet. ✔Where stories live. Discover now