Chapter 18

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Lord Simon, Earl of Watford had taught himself to value self-discipline over anything else, because that mattered the most to an earldom.

He would complete his work first, speculate the beauty of the sky, and then would decide to either go for a walk or perhaps read something in his study.

But who would like to stay indoors with a charming sky over their head?

The sky looked like something else. A vast canvas. Simon could see the varied hues cast over like a palette with mixed colors, having the red shade flowing out freely in an attempt to merge with the pink. The azure carved out white amidst the sky, and the clouds looked like canoes without paddles wading through the vast expanse, trying to find a direction in the chaos of the colors.

Simon, with his valet, Gunrett set out for a walk, roaming in the markets, trying to find classic quills.

"Gunrett!" Simon called out, to his valet who was trailing a few inches behind him.

Gunrett sprinted to Simon "Yes, mi'lord?" 

Simon narrowed his eyes as he looked out to the shops "where are all the quality quills?"

"The quality ones?"

"Yes, like those quills that I have in my study."

"Actually mi'lord, I brought those quills all the way from my hometown in Scotland. There is a special quill market there, where you get the finest ones.I brought those especially for you."

"So, do you have anymore of those left?"

"Yes, many."


Simon continued to walk with Gunrett by his side "were you born in Scotland, so?"

Gunrett nodded "and raised there too."

"How is it there?"

"Fine, mi'lord. There isn't much noise there, like in London. The seasons turn over a new leaf quite beautifully and the chill in the air during the winter is something to die for."

Simon observed the facial expressions of his valet "so do you miss Scotland?"

"More like I miss our rose garden there, mi'lord. Regarding people, I don't miss anyone, really. All of them are dead."

"Rose garden?"

"Yes, we had wine red rose blooms, with large petals which let out a charming redolence when covered with fresh dew drops. I miss those roses. My grandmother had cultivated those when she was married, and over the years they turned out to be the best blooms of our neighborhood."

Simon smiled. This was the most his valet had ever spoken to him.

"Sorry, mi'lord. Realized, I'm blabbering a lot."

"Oh, It's fine. Sharing memories is the closest a man can get to his life."

Gunrett smiled sheepishly.

"Tell me, Gunrett. Who named you?"

"Sorry, mi'lord?"

Simon realized the straightforwardness of his question "Sorry, but couldn't help wondering. Your quite different."

"My grandmother, mi'lord. When I was born, she had suddenly taken ill. On her deathbed, she declared that I be named Gunrett, and that would be her last wish. Everyone questioned her regarding the weirdness of my name, but she didn't answer. She died after a few days, leaving a mystery behind."


"Yes, mi'lord."

"So, was your father a valet to someone too?"

"Oh no, mi'lord, he was a baronet."

"So, why didn't you inherit the baronetcy?"

"There is no use of that title now. My father used to gamble a lot, and thus he lost all our money and fortune to random men."

"Oh, I'm sorry. You must've faced a lot of issues right?"

"Umpteen, mi'lord. There were times where affording food was the toughest task. I vividly remember my mother gathering pennies to feed us. Her plate was always empty and our stomachs were never filled. As I grew up, I helped my father pay off the debt, but it was never enough. We were beaten up countless times too, and I once set off to kill myself. Life had dipped that low. But then I remembered the face of my famished mother, who had killed her own appetite to satisfy mine. Then there was no giving up. I worked many jobs, and fed our family, and my mother on her deathbed, smiled the happiest smile of her life. A smile that I can never forget."

Simon listened intently. The life of a poor man was truly one of utter sacrifice.

Gunrett had been his valet for eight years now, but never had he shared anything with Simon.

Simon, however trusted him with his own life, and always knew there lay more to Gunrett than he thought.

"Mi'lord, that scent shop you want to go to" Gunrett said, pointing to a large, aesthetic shop.

Simon snapped to attention. It was 'la senteur'. The most famous and expensive perfume shop in London owned by a portly French man. 

"Yes, come" Simon said and they entered the shop.

"Bonjour, comment allez-vous Lord Simon!" The owner greeted in a heavy french accent.

Simon, who knew french quite perfectly greeted back "je vais bien, je vais bien."

The owner smiled "de quoi avez-vous besoin today, Lord Simon?"

The owner's little use of english words startled Simon "I need violet scent, and fresh violet blooms."

The french owner blushed "pour une dame?"

"Maybe for a lady, maybe not."

Simon needed the blooms to gift to Violet. 

"I'll show yer Lord Simon,please viens avec moi."

Simon was led to the corner of the room, where beautiful violet blooms along with the scents were kept.

"These" the owner announced proudly "best in London! The best! Tout simplement le meilleur."

"Isn't that for me to decide?" Simon smiled.

The owner shut his mouth and smiled back.

Simon inhaled the fragrance and smiled "I'll take these."

The owner nodded and packed the scents.

As Simon turned to leave, he saw Gunrett. Standing at the entrance of the shop quietly. Feeling left out, as he stood cowardly, feeling small amidst the Dukes and Earls.

"Will you please show me some rose blooms and scents too?" Simon asked the owner.

The owner nodded and handed Simon the best rose blooms and scents. Simon paid for the blooms and scents and walked over to Gunrett, giving him the rose ones "these are for you."

Gunrett's eyes widened "mi'lord, how can I possibly-"

Simon looked him in the eye "Gunrett, you have come a long way. Fighting all the predicaments with utmost courage. It would be a shame to not honor you. May God bless you in all possible ways, and show you the light in all the darkest times. Stay happy, my friend."

Gunrett's eyes were filled with tears "tha-thank you mi'lord."

Simon smiled and gave him the violet ones too "go home, and keep these on my study. Arrange those papers of the new estate I've purchased. I have to work on them. And then, go get some rest. You look tired."

They both came out of the shop.

"Go, Gunrett."

Gunrett nodded and before he left, he turned to Simon "lord, I've worked for many, but no one bears the kindness you have within your heart, thank you for everything."

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