Chapter 28

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Simon scurried down the corridor. He tried slowing down a bit, but something, probably fright started clawing in his gut which fueled his actions, and Simon was unable to control his pace and the fear of Violet being in danger. 

Simon couldn't figure out why he had this intuition of Violet being in danger.

Good Lord, even the image of Violet being in a tough situation had the power to tear apart the sheath of calm he was desperately trying to weave over the years. A sheath that could blanket and conceal his wrath and dismay.

As he reached the end of the corridor, he slowly turned right. 

With light steps, he walked ahead, trying to pick up any trace of a voice that belonged to Violet.

The moment he heard the first stirrings of a voice, Simon stiffened, and stuck to the wall, moving his body along it to reach the corner curve of the wall.

He hid himself well enough to just witness the scene in the balcony, without being caught.

And within the space of a second, Simon knew, that whatever restraint he'd been holding onto for a few years now was about to burst into sheer ire. And flames.

Lord Jonathan. Ah. That bastard. 

And his poor Violet. 

Simon narrowed his eyes furiously. Jonathan was trying to close the distance between him and Violet ever so slightly. 

"Please. Go AWAY" he heard Violet shriek.

Simon gulped in pain. He'd never seen her in so much agony. So much, that it haunted him.

Lord Jonathan laughed, and came closer to Violet "never."

That was the moment Simon knew that he'd snapped into two. All that fury that he had in his heart, started evaporating, giving way to another thousand ugly emotions. Lord, in that moment he was fraught with acrimony. 

He lunged angrily at Jonathan as he kept his hand on Violet's arm.

And knocked him over, with a heavy swing of his hand. 


A heavy sword of silence hung over their heads, as Simon and Violet looked down at Jonathan.

He was sprawled all over the ground, unconscious and reeking of brandy.

Simon slowly turned his eyes from Jonathan to Violet. 

It seemed as if all, All- the color had drained from her body. He'd never seen someone so pale and so utterly still. Her chin, he noticed jutted out in an attempt to open her mouth to form words. But she only slightly kept shaking, as her eyes which were widened and filled with fear, looked at Jonathan.

"Miss Violet, are you alright?" Simon asked, softly.

Violet didn't look at him. 

He slowly closed his eyes. 

He had been in the same situation. The events surely were different, but the emotions, those mixed emotions of disbelief, fear and doused anger were exactly the same.

Simon too, like Violet had gone still at that time. Unable to believe the change of events.

He too had felt all blood leave his body. He too had felt wronged.

The only difference was that the situation had been different and instead of Simon, now it was Violet in his place and instead of Jonathan it was-


Simon's eyes flew open. No, now was not the time. 

He looked at Violet, who was trying to speak.


Before she could let anything else out, she burst into tears, picked up her skirts, brushed past him, and ran away into the dark corridor. 

Dear, Miss Violet. ✔Where stories live. Discover now