Chapter 17

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Miranda looked Violet in the eye "because being like you was the closest I could get to Simon."

Violet's eyes widened "how?"

Miranda silently wiped her tears "that day when you bumped into him, in that dark hallway, I was there. I saw you both fall. And then I saw you both rise. But Violet what you missed, was what I caught. You should have seen the way he was looking at you. 

The way he startled at the way you let your hand in his. 

The way he shivered at your sight. And your touch.

I've always seen him stare at you from afar, when you don't notice.

I know because I look at him, all the time.

You know, his eyes shine when he looks at you.

When you dance, his eyes are busy noticing your movements.

When you talk, his eyes are busy noticing the small details of your face.

It's just that, YOU DON'T NOTICE!

He, he, is always looking at you, Violet, and I am always looking at him.

I just want to be like you, because I want to have Simon, for once, just."

Violet could feel small droplets of tears forming at the rim of her eyes. Simon?

Really, why did Lord Simon like her? 

It wasn't as if they were acquainted enough for him to like her.

Violet looked at Miranda "now what?"

"Of?" Miranda asked, softly.

"Our...our friendship?" Violet questioned, never once blinking her eyes.

Miranda gulped "you don't wish to see me again, right?"
Violet sighed, this had been a tiring day "I doubt I'll be able to keep a friendship with a person who has other intentions."

"You needn't worry. I'll be gone now."

"What do you mean?"

"My father has decided to marry me off to a country gentleman, a baron I suppose."

"Then why did you still take a chance with Lord Simon?"

"You do things In love, Violet, you do."

Violet sighed and before she could hold her forehead in her hands, Miranda stood and gave Violet a hug "you have been a beautiful friend Violet, and I, have ashamed you. I'm sorry."

Violet did not give a response. There was nothing left to say. She just hugged Miranda back, drenching her shoulders with her tears.

Miranda smiled, and left silently.

As Miranda left, Violet sat on her bed quietly, staring at the pudding. 

What had gone wrong? What did Violet do? Why couldn't her friendships last, anytime?

She decided to brush off her thoughts. Maybe, she could go for a walk? 

Or garden? Or anywhere?

Violet wiped her tears, and called her lady's maid, Amanda.

Amanda came rushing in "yes?"

"I want to go for a walk."

"Yes, sure. Should I make your hair?"

Violet looked at her hair in the mirror, and shook her head.

The skies looked purple, and pink, and blue, and all the colors Violet had learnt of. The clouds looked like small boats, and somehow the birds looked like they were travelling in those boats, going away far from London.

Maybe she needed to go away, too.

 Staying in London was one hell of a work. Always smiling, greeting and dancing. That was it.

And amidst all that silent chaos, Violet had lost herself. 

She had no friend, no companion, and practically no one to talk to.

What is life without a friend? What is living without telling anyone about it?

And lastly, what is existing without a reason?

Violet walked through the main market, and finally plopped herself on a bench in a park.

Her maid stood behind her, watching Violet carefully to see if she was crying or not.

As Violet continued to look ahead, she felt herself being swayed away. Her soul felt loose and she was sure, with a little tug, her soul could just fall apart.

The exhaustion had surely crept into her veins, and Violet could feel her eyes closing time and again. Was she sleepy? It was barely noon.

From what she could see, a handsome figure was making his way to reach her..

It was Lord Simon. 

With his beautiful hair, and muscled body, Violet could see what Miranda had found in him.

He was one hell of a man.

Tall, confident and just purely handsome.

How could no one in London ever notice his allure? Were those idiots blind?

Violet wanted to smile, but as he was a good distance away, she just let herself look at him.

Maybe she should get up and greet.

But her eyes were so strongly arrested at the sight of his...

Wait. Should she really greet him? That man was the reason behind her failed friendship.

Was it really his fault? Was it?

Did he like her?

Because he -

"Miss Violet?"

Dear, Miss Violet. ✔Where stories live. Discover now