Chapter 48

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Simon's eyes stayed glued to the ceiling for a really long time. His neck hurt like the devil, but nothing could equate the pain that he felt at his heart. His tears had dried but his eyes pained from the exertion. His hand snaked to his desk unknowingly and he held and felt the crystal. It felt good. He missed Violet so much that even a lifeless crystal made him connect to her. He wanted to tear away his eyes from the ceiling and just go to sleep but his body just couldn't get up.

His entire life washed away in front of his eyes- everything. He could literally see his life being played as a drama on the ceiling. His childhood, adulthood, those beautiful university days- literally every single detail was being played by his mind with stark brilliance. And Simon couldn't take his eyes off the ceiling.

He knew that whatever lay in his heart had slowly managed to overpower him. He was a weak man- weak enough to let his life slip into the slow fires of curtailment and destruction.

And when he had finally found a woman whose eyes could give him a new life, a new heart and a blissful soul, he'd pushed her away solely because he knew that if he went ahead and married her, her life would be in grave danger.

But Simon was such a wuss that he didn't even want to protect her. He could marry her, yes, and that would put her life in danger- but he could also protect her fiercely and just surround her until she was safe in his embrace.

He could do that- he could protect her, but just for an instance, just for a moment if she got away from him, and something happened to her- Simon would never forgive himself. And that was what scared him. He could marry her and protect her but her life would never be the same again. She would have to forcefully live in a shell of protection. And Simon could never be so selfish as to make her life miserable just for his own need and want. He had to let her go.

Suddenly, he heard a slight noise coming in from the corridor but still he didn't move. He didn't seem to care anymore. His eyes strained hard against his eyelids and the crystal felt as if it was melting under the heat his body seemed to regenerate. But-


All nerves in his body shot up. His eyes tore apart and he looked to his side.

There she was.

Dressed in black from head to toe.

Simon shot to his feet and pulled her inside, closing the door behind them.


"Simon!" Violet scolded, clapping her hands to her ears "can you stop-"

"TELL ME RIGHT NOW HOW DID YOU EVEN MANAGE TO GET HERE!" he roared. God, the woman was driving him crazy. Did she not realize what she'd done? Her reputation would be in tatters-

"I came here to meet you" she sniffed, removing her hat and keeping it on the table.

"BUT AT 1.50-"

"BECAUSE YOU REFUSED TO MEET ME! WHAT ELSE COULD I HAVE DONE?" she cried, falling into his chair.

Simon exhaled. His body felt extremely weary and he sat on the floor beneath Violet, his eyes gazing up at her. All his anger, his worry- everything slipped away at her sight. Those beautiful violet depths looked down at him with tears and it took everything in him to not pull her into his arms. He was still absolutely angry at her for risking her life like that but even he knew what it felt to not meet the person you loved so much. It took every ounce of you to not do something just to get closer to that loved one.

He rested his head on her lap, asking softly "how did you even get here?"

Violet touched his hair "took a hack to your home, climbed the pillar of your mansion back in the garden, made my way to the bottom most room, got in, took the stairs till the third floor and found a light at the end of the corridor. I thought it was you, so I silently tiptoed till here."

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