Chapter 38

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Simon went back inside and found a letter atop his desk. 

From Violet.

He smiled and opened it.

Dear Anonymous,

Your words simply make me feel treasured and loved. 

I'm speechless. I want to say so much. But it feels like probably no words can explain what is going on in my heart right now.

I thank you for making me feel like this.

Yours truly, 

Miss Violet.

Should he write back to her?
He knew that Violet had started having feelings for him, but still he was unable to express his feelings and love. And being anonymous was the only way he could share his deepest desires with her. And he bloody well wanted to.

By evening, he had written his letter and given it to his valet to send it to the Greenhill home.

He dressed for the musicale, and excitedly made his way to his carriage, a constant smile stuck to his face.

It was funny how one single person could change his world. Change it and make it utterly splendid to live in. Violet was everywhere for him- in his eyes, in his heart, beside him, in his soul, in his mind- everywhere.

Her scent followed him, rather he followed her scent. That dewy fresh and simply....happy scent. Of cut flowers. Or roses. Or some flowers he was unable to recall in a beautiful amalgamation with lavender. 

That giddy fragrance that made him want to swoon and fall on his bed, beside her. 

He inhaled and closed his eyes. Damn, desire was getting the better of him, and he had to control.

Violet did not belong with him and he had to let himself go and disappear from her life. He had to.

But, probably a night with her was all what he wanted. 

Just a night...a few days more..

And an eternity in his heart.

Violet looked down at her dress and heaved a light sigh. Simon still hadn't shown up. 

She looked up at the setup for the musicale and sighed again. 

Mozart had never amused her much.


"Dear, are you ill?" her mother asked.

Violet looked to her side "No, mother, I-I- I'm barely interested."
"We don't remember forcing you to show up.." her father said.

"No, but I had to."

"Why?" they both asked at the same time.


Her parents shrugged and started talking to each other, leaving her alone with her thoughts.

She missed Simon immensely. She wanted to feel his touch and wanted him to play with her hair again.

The morning had been beautiful.

It was a love story she'd always dreamed of. A man and a woman with flowers. And a sunny day to crown it. The essence of the morning charm lay thick in her soul and it felt like a garden of freshness had decided to grow within her and make her life as fragrant as a fairy tale.

She knew that she was probably falling too much in love with him, but Violet couldn't help it. He hadn't confessed his love that morning, but that was because, she reminded herself, she stopped him at that very moment. 

Because if Simon hadn't said that he loved her, it would have hurt her a lot.

Violet had wished for happiness for so long now that it was something she begged for. She wanted to be happy, only for once. It was a dire need, a nourishment, a fulfillment.

It was something, if not provided to her, would have killed her will to live. And love.

And she knew that he loved her. She could feel it in his urgent touch, in those blue depths of his eyes, almost everywhere.

But still, she did not want to risk her chance at happiness. Not at that moment.

Because at that moment, she had been the happiest woman in the world. In the arms of the most handsome, most kind and the most charming man.

Violet felt this current of urgency run through her, and her restlessness knew no bounds.

She shot up and gulped "Mother, er, I'm off to meet Patricia."

"Patricia?" her mother questioned with furrowed brows.

"My chum."

"Uh-ohh. Honey, but the musicale is about to start."

"I'll be back soon..don't worry."

Saying this, Violet picked up her dress and ran to the main hall. She looked about for a few moments, and then suddenly heard a voice behind her.

A voice like caramel poured over chocolate.

"Are we searching for someone?" 

Violet turned around and heaved a sigh of relief "Simon? Where were you?"

She noticed that he had done some styling to his hair. And she liked it very much. His bottle green coat and biscuit colored breeches were crisp and he looked nothing short of perfection.

"Er..a little busy, I presume. By the by, you look exceedingly gorgeous" he said with a devilish gleam in his eyes.

Violet flushed. A deep crimson. 

"Simon..I swear. You look so handsome, that all I can think is how much I want to sway in your arms."

Simon came nearer, his voice hushed and husky "I dare say, shall we go to the terrace to fulfill your wish?"

Violet stepped back a little "now? Isn't it dangerous? What if we get caught?"
"Don't worry. I'll go first, and then you follow me after a few seconds."

Violet nodded and watched him leave. After a few moments, she followed him and soon they were alone at the terrace.

Simon locked the terrace door, and pulled Violet into his arms "just what I needed."

Violet brushed off a lock from his eyes "you look so relaxed and boyish. I'm so loving it."

"Boyish, you say?" he teased, running his hands behind to her back.

Violet felt her back tingle and she removed his hands from around her and walked to the front of the terrace "not so fast, my lord."

Simon ran up to her and caught her hand "you keep running away from me, a lot."

Violet allowed herself to rest in his arms as he hugged her from behind "because when you're near, I feel all ting-ly..."

"Ahhhh..." he returned, touching her neck, and letting his fingers caress her ear.

"Simon...." Violet let out, arching her neck.

"Yes?" he fooled, catching a lock of her hair between his teeth.

"Stop doing-g-g that, i-it's ma-making me cr-crazy-y-y..." she moaned.

He brushed his lips past her neck and bit into her soft skin for a second. God, it felt so good that Violet sunk deeper into his embrace.


He stopped slowly and turned her around. He kissed her forehead and slowly led her to a few divans kept at the front.

They both sat and held hands. Simon brought her hand to his lips and kissed it.

Violet sighed and suddenly the vast expanse of the sky opened up a little more, and the stars shone so brightly that she knew that so much beauty of the night was yet to unfold.

Dear, Miss Violet. ✔Where stories live. Discover now