Chapter 32

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Simon massaged his forehead, slightly moving his middle finger to his left temple and pressing hard enough to create a force that could dissolve that slight dull ache that he felt in his head.

He'd completed his work for the morning, but a few papers in his study needed attention too and Simon found himself hovering over 13 papers in his study, letting out timely sighs in between due to the endless boredom.

He'd always loathed estate work.

Gunrett, who patiently stood behind him, held a few papers in his hands, answering when necessary.

"Gunrett, what about the estate at Bedfordshire?" Simon asked, twisting his mouth.

"It's on lease currently, mi'lord."

"The one at Cornwall?"
"That too is on lease, mi'lord."

"I see. So our purchases include estates that aren't on lease?"

"Yes, the last time I checked with your solicitor."

"Ah, Thomas. I sometimes feel, that as a solicitor, he isn't playing his role to perfection."

"I'm sorry, mi'lord.."

Simon slumped "he did not update me regarding the estate I had my eyes on at Devon. Lord Edward purchased it just in time."

Gunrett stood silently, devoid of anything to reply.

"Nevertheless" Simon said, collecting the papers and giving the bundle to Gunrett "keep this in the cupboard at library. I'll have a look at them, the next time I go in there to read something."

Gunrett nodded and took the papers. He bowed and left.

Simon stood, just in time to be interrupted by his butler.

"Mi'lord. You have a visitor."

"Who is it?"

"Miss Violet, Lord."

Simon resisted a smile. He nodded and told the butler to convey his message to Miss Violet that he'll be in a moment.

The butler left and Simon looked at the small mirror in his study.

He arranged his hair appropriately, licked his lips and left the room.

The guest room downstairs, Simon thought, would have Miss Violet. It was a beautiful thought, and Simon did not know why he found it to be so amusing.

Just that she'd be seated there, waiting for him. 

A thrill ran down his spine at the thought of her, and whatever ache that encircled amidst his head, vanished in a second.

As he entered the guest room, he saw her sitting peacefully with a gorgeous smile on her face, staring out the window.

And from her profile he could deduce that she was bubbling with mirth.

"Miss Violet."

"Oh! Lord Simon. Good Morning!"

"And to you" Simon said as he bowed and motioned for her to sit.

Violet smiled and curtsied, sitting back at her spot. 

"Do you care for tea and biscuits?" Simon asked, with a smile across his face. Somehow her infectious smile had etched into his face. Such was the power of her company.

"Oh no, thank you" Violet said "I've come here to thank you err, for your help last night."

Simon looked at her. She'd worn a pastel yellow gown that reminded him of fresh sunflowers, especially the pale ones. Her eyes somehow contradicted the yellow shade, and he found the paradox utmost intriguing. Violet hue never went well with yellow, and for sure she did not look as beautiful as she did in darker and bluer shades but still, the glow that embellished her face, crowned his thoughts and it was difficult to think beyond the horizon of that radiance that shone on her face with such brightness that it could blind a man. 

And blind him in awe. 

And bind him in love.

Simon cleared his throat, brushing off his thoughts. He wet his lips "Miss Violet-"

"Lord Simon, I-I- I am indebted to you. If not for you, I don't know exactly how I would have saved my-"

"Miss Violet, please! Any man in my place would have done the same. And I'm terribly sorry for the unease, I truly truly am."

Violet looked at him with a little pain in her eyes. Somehow her facial features had turned a little glum and Simon hated the change. He realized just how much Violet affected his mood. 

"I-I- It's alright."

For two and half minutes, neither of them spoke. Simon couldn't bring his eyes to look at her.

It would break his heart all over again.

And then in a horrible moment, he heard short gasps of breath, and looked up to see Violet crying.

Crying! In his presence!

Simon ran across the room, and with respectable distance between them, settled across the sofa, offering Violet his handkerchief.

Violet took it without hesitation.

"Miss Violet, please don-"
"Sorry, Lord Simon. It's just I am extremely saddened by the change of events last night.

I-I was just trying to relax at the balcony, when he came AND- HE!"

She further broke into more tears, her nose slightly red and her cheeks highly flushed.

At that moment Simon hated etiquette.

He wished to take her in his arms, and rest his chin atop her head. He wished to croon incomprehensible words that would make her feel precious and beautiful.

He wished to engulf, and protect her from all evil, all the while caressing her cheek and looking into her eyes. Those beautiful violet depths.

He wished to kill Jonathan and bury him deep. He hated him endlessly.

But there wasn't much that he could do, except for offering his handkerchief and sitting there in silence. Like a fool.

Lord, how he hated etiquette.

Dear, Miss Violet. ✔Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt