Chapter 20

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Simon was surprised. For sure. He widened his eyes and tilted his head to the left, in an expression he wasn't really sure of.

Violet hesitated "I umm, am sorry. I did not mean it like that."

She wiped her tears with the back of her hands and looked at Simon.

"Lord Simon, I can't talk here. It's a personal matter. We can't go to my home, err, because my parents are there. So the only choice we have is your home."

"Sure, Miss Violet."

Before Violet and Simon could leave, Violet's maid came over to Violet. She whispered somethings in her ears, which Simon tried a lot to hear, but could not.

Violet narrowed her eyes and frowned and said something to her maid. Her maid nodded.

"Let's leave, Lord Simon."

Simon nodded and they left.

Her maid trailed behind them as they walked through the markets.

Simon tried to read Violet's face. She looked straight ahead as she clutched her purse in her hands. Violet looked too disturbed and weary to talk.

"Miss Violet, I really can't contain my curiosity."

"And Lord Simon, I can't contain my tears. Please try to understand."

"I am trying to. But your sorrow is something I can't ignore."

"Lord Simon" Violet said as she backed off as a carriage passed by "I know you're worried. But we can only talk when we reach your home."

Simon nodded and after about ten minutes of silence, they reached Simon's mansion.

Simon loosened his cravat as they entered his guest room.

"Care for tea, Miss Violet?" Simon asked as they sat at a respectable distance between them on the sofa.

"No, thank you, I just care for your attention."

"Which is all yours now."

Violet nodded "I-I have been through something today."

"Which I've already presumed. Please tell me what it is."

Violet heaved a sigh "I am not friends with Miss Miranda anymore. And the reason behind that is,-is-"

Violet widened her eyes in shock "how come you-"

"I know. Due to two reasons. One being you look as if you are hiding it especially from me, and the second being you wouldn't have trusted me enough to tell me about your loss if it didn't pertain to me. As you know, we exactly aren't close friends to talk over matters like friendship."

"Maybe, maybe not."

Simon sighed. Miss Miranda, of course. That lady would never let him be at peace.

Simon erected his posture and tugged at his cravat a bit. Lord, life suddenly felt uneasy. 

"Tell me, why am I the reason, Miss Violet?"

Violet looked Simon in the eye. Simon could see that her violet eyes did not look violet in the afternoon light. They looked red. No maybe violet and a subtle merge of bright yellow. Maybe more violet than yellow. But then, if they contained more violet, then why did they look as if they were set afire? Maybe that fire wasn't due to the color. Maybe it was some sort of emotion. Hatred? Simon's heartbeat grew irregular. Having Violet bear hatred for him was the worst case scenario he could think of. But wait, was it really hatred? And wait, why was red associated with hatred? Wasn't it the color of love? Or-

Dear, Miss Violet. ✔Where stories live. Discover now