Chapter 3

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Violet Greenhill had always known that her life was not an ordinary one.

Of course, she didn't have much adventures or something, but internally, she knew that there was one hidden secret that would arrive one sudden day and stagger her.

And from the letter that she'd received the previous day, Violet could feel the intuition getting a live form.

Maybe, just, the secret was on it's way....

Violet looked at the letter and narrowed her eyes.

The letter was unbelievably sweet and rather straightforward. 

Was it alright to, to always reply back to that anonymous character?

Would Violet fall in trouble?

Violet gulped, and went over to her desk, to see if there was any other letter for her in the brown basket. There had to be. Just the previous day, she had replied back to him. He ought to reply to her today.

Violet shook her head. She was getting ridiculously restless.

But indeed, there was a letter. The same type of envelope. The same sketch of a violet bloom on it. And not to miss, the violet bloom's fragrance.

Violet opened the envelope, and took out the letter.

Dear, Miss Violet,

I am so happy that you replied to me. It does mean a lot. After two years of loving you, I am so satisfied to say that my love proved right. Is my love winning? Or my ego?

I rather say that my sweetness is winning.

You do seem to want to know about me. 

But some things are meant to be a secret. I can't reveal my identity ever.

Or I would have rather met you, right?

So please forgive my secret and please calm your curiosity. 

Just let it be. Just know that I love you.

That matters the most.

My love for you shall never die.

At least for now, my lady, let's keep this 'confidential' talk aside.

And can I hope to see you tonight at Lord Gregory's party?

It'll be a grand affair, and you will surely come.

Won't you?

Yours truly,


Violet sighed. His words were unbearably sweet but mysterious.

What should she make of this?

Violet decided not to reply, because it was obvious that he was expecting her, and Violet would just reply with a mere 'yes'.

So why should she actually send her servant to the Ambient garden to drop a letter, that just had a single 'yes',  behind the rose bush?

It would rather look stupid.

Violet decided to start preparing for the party rather.

She opened her closet, and took out her most precious dress.

A violet hued gown, with frills and a silver neckline, that had a low cut, with intricate designs at the top of the dress, and with an extra folded hem that was a touch lighter than the overall dress.

Violet took the next three hours to prepare.

And she kept reminding herself to keep an eye on the ballroom to see who was staring at her.

Maybe it could turn out to be that anonymous man.

Violet allowed herself a small smile.

Her life was finally getting interesting.

Dear, Miss Violet. ✔Where stories live. Discover now