Chapter 9

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Simon Siddell, had never really liked himself. His life had dragged him into believing in the incorrect fact that once things fall apart, they can never be fixed again.

And for Simon, the fact appeared to prove itself right every time.

In the past few years, Simon hadn't spoken to a single genteel lady. How could he? Those ladies ran away after seeing him. They likened him to a devil who was ready to kill lives. At times, Simon felt so insecure, so not right in his own skin, so not happy, that it afflicted him.

He knew his behavior had changed, he even knew that he wasn't a charm anymore. He surely was just extremely handsome as he had been, but the charm had left.

Charm is not just being handsome. Charm is something that cannot be put into words easily. Charm is something that exists. Just. Charm is something that has the power to catch hearts and let those hearts dance in it's presence. Charm is something that lightens the tension that holds the air in captive. And charm is something that makes a person, a person. It shapes a man into a being of love and hints that the man can be an epitome of all the beautiful things that solely exist in this world.

And alas, Simon's charm was gone.

At times he himself felt like admitting that his charm had vanished and that he'd become a devil.

A devil who appeared to be heartless.

But a devil who had a heart that deeply loved a lady who could never be his.

But that day, Simon felt happy. He felt that he'd finally taken a small step to improve his life.

He knew that the step was probably useless, but at least it made him feel better.

When earlier in the day he'd seen Miss Violet all sprawled over the sofa, after he was summoned by his footman, his heart had stopped working. Even though he was happy to see her, he was shocked to see her in THAT condition.

She looked horribly pale, tired and uneasy. Her hair had come out from it's coiffure, and her dress was a little torn at her feet.

Suddenly the worst thought struck him : was she dying?

After that Simon could not control the way his body reacted. His fear fueled his further actions and Simon did all he could to make Violet feel better.

When she was finally in a good condition, Simon was the happiest. All he ever wanted was for her to be healthy and happy.

And when Violet had left his home, he watched her as she went, wishing to see her as soon as possible.

Her presence was felt deeply in his heart.

So Simon decided to write her a letter. Again. As anonymous.

Dear Miss Violet,

How do you do? Even though I wrote a letter to you just yesterday, it seems a long time.

Even writing to you feels like a world full of all the pleasures.

Sometimes I think if I came in front of you, would you react in a positive way or not?

Would you like me for who I am or would you like me for my words?

By the way, do you think, I should come in front of you? Would you like me?

Would you like me, Miss Violet?

I may or may not turn up in front of you, but my words have the power to make you feel all rosy and romantically red and beautiful. I promise that to you.

A matter of few days and you'll start loving me.

Yours truly,


Dear, Miss Violet. ✔Where stories live. Discover now