Chapter 36

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Violet sat quietly in Simon's arms. She wanted to pull away for a moment and look into his eyes. She wanted to ask him about how he felt about Richard's death. She wanted to ask him if her life was doomed or she could do something to erase the excruciating memories and start anew.

But she didn't feel like it. She wanted to close her eyes and just listen to his heart beat. It felt so heartening to just listen to someone's heart beat. It was utterly beautiful. It warmed her to the core to know, that for a split second, just a split, she could depend on someone and love that person without losing him.

Violet wanted Simon. She wanted him to touch her heart and pour love all over it.

She wanted him to make her feel beautiful. Not attractive, but beautiful. She wanted to shimmer, but from the inside.

She wanted her heart to swell with all the love that existed in the world. All type of love. 

And all type of happiness.

"Violet, sweetheart?" she heard him say softly.

Violet pulled away and kissed him on his cheek "yes?"

Simon blushed a little "are you alright?"

"Quite" she managed.

"Sir Richard was surely a lovely man" Simon said, with a heartfelt smile.

Violet smiled "loveliest."

Simon stroked her hair and for a moment, it felt like Richard's touch. Soft and filled with emotion. 

Violet took his hand and kissed it "I miss him."

"I'm so sorry. I wish I could do something.." Simon said, sadness clouding his eyes.

"You don't need to. I'm over it now. It was a long time ago."

No one spoke anything for the next five minutes and Violet looked at Simon. He appeared glum and Violet reached forward and touched his cheek. An odd sense in her needed to feel him. Needed to know his warmth.

"Simon?" she asked.


"I want you..."

Simon looked dazed for a moment, but the corners of his mouth pulled up "really?"

"I want you to heal me" Violet said and looked away.

"How can I heal you, my dear?" Simon asked, pulling her chin and forcing her to look at him.

"I want you to touch me. I want you to feel me. I-I- want you to-" Violet said, bursting into tears.

"VIOLET?" Simon said, cupping her face "why are you crying?"

"SIMON!" Violet cried "I-I'm hurt beyond measure."

"Violet" he said, searching her eyes "I need you to tell me what you feel."

"Simon, I don't know" Violet sniffed "I want to come out of whatever heartbreaks I've suffered."

"And how can I help you, my dear?" he asked silently.

"Just be with me."

Simon leaned forward and kissed her left eye. He slowly moved toward the right one, and kissed it too. 

Violet stopped crying as she felt desire unfurl amidst her heart and she touched his hair and mussed it a little bit.

Simon kissed her nose and then her forehead "you.."


His hand crawled behind her back and pulled her closer "you make me feel things I've never felt, Violet."

"Things?" she asked, a bright glow warming her insides.

"Inexplicable emotions.." he replied, nibbling at her ears "God you're so soft."

Violet sighed with content as she felt something spark within her. It was promised womanhood with a healthy dose of love.

Simon moved to her other ear and repeated his actions. Violet moaned with pleasure.

He slowly pulled out her hair from it's coiffure and touched a few tendrils to his lip "this scent is maddening.."

"It's l-lavender" Violet said and flushed.

He pulled her closer until she was just a hair's breadth away "I know, honey."

Simon smiled devilishly and Violet's insides flipped. Lord, he was handsome.

She wanted him to possess her and dominate her and make her his.

Violet tugged her hair from his grasp, and stood.

She walked over to the flowers, touched them and then sat on the grass.

Simon stayed at his spot and watched her flirtatiously with a hand over his leg.

His gaze melted her and she felt like a powerful woman. She spread out her legs and removed her sandals and stockings, feeling the grass caress her skin. 

She seductively looked at him and plucked a sunflower from behind her. 

Simon winked at her, stood and came by her side. Sitting beside her, he touched her leg, running his fingers across her heel.

Violet drew in a long breath and licked her lips, pulling away her leg from him. Simon leaned back,and resting on his elbows, he looked at her intently.

She gave him the sunflower, and he inhaled it's fragrance.

"Beautiful, right?" Violet asked.

"You or the sunflower?" he questioned, looking at her mouth.

Violet simpered and got up, and Simon followed suit. 

He pulled her toward him, and hugged her from behind, resting his hands on her hips.

Violet felt utterly satisfied, and the fire of desire began unfurling slowly in her body, reaching out to her heart. His closeness, and his breath on her skin, made her want so much more than she was allowed to ask for.

He kissed her cheek, then her neck. She arched beneath him and then slowly pulled away.

"You keep escaping me" he said huskily, pulling her closer.

"Is it?" she teased.

"Yes" he accused and laughed.

She looked at him and kept her hand on his chest "you are extremely wonderful."

Simon's eyes crinkled in amusement "Is it?"

"Touché!" Violet giggled.

Simon hugged her, and her soul stirred with delight. He pulled away a little, and sat on the ground, pulling her with him.

They both lay on the grass, looking up at the sky with their hearts in their eyes.

Violet put her hand over him and closed the distance between them.

She looked at his face and he looked at her.

His hand expertly stole behind her back and he pulled her so close, that she felt their souls unite.

He kissed her nose. He reached out for her lips, but she pulled her face away a little.

"Simon?" she said with utter softness.


"I think, I think-"

"What, Violet?"
"I think, I'm in love with you."

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