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One year later.

Violet closed her cupboard and sighed. It had taken her all morning to clean her cupboard and now she had to do the same for Simon's.

Not that he had asked her to, but Simon was quite busy lately. Especially after Marian- their five month old daughter played with him all day long.

Simon loved Marian so much that Violet couldn't help but watch them both play with each other adorably. Simon was a wonderful husband and a father, and Violet couldn't ask for more.

So all she wanted to do was just help him a little. She opened his cupboard and cleaned the first shelf, putting the books in order and the quills in one corner.

There were a few papers of long calculations and accounts and Violet arranged them too.

She dusted the other shelves and finally opened a drawer.

She couldn't believe her eyes for a moment..

It was a letter from anonymous!

Violet took it out and stared at it. 

How did Simon find out about the letter? Did he spot them in her bedroom?

Violet accurately remembered throwing out the letters once she was married to Simon because she wanted a fresh start and didn't want anything from her past to ruin her present.

So how did he find out? Did this one letter stay behind?

"Violet?" she heard Simon's voice "what are you doing?"

Violet gulped and held out the letter in front of her "I'm sorry for not telling you about this Simon. How did you find out?"

Simon closed the distance between them. He looked perplexed "find out what?"

"About anonymous?" she urged "I'd thrown away the letters, I swear."


"Really, I have no clue how-"

"Violet" Simon said softly "come here."

The couple sat on the bed and he held her hand "listen to me."

Violet nodded with slight fear.

"I feared talking to you at the beginning, that is before we met because I knew that I would never have the chance to marry you. But I loved you so much that I started sending you letters as anonymous to fulfill my one wish. I-I was the anonymous that you talked to. I wanted to tell you this, but didn't because I feared that you would get angry at me."

Violet gasped "you-?"

Simon nodded and smiled.

Violet stared at the envelope. Her heart fluttered for a moment and she looked at her husband "you-you really love me so much."

"You can never imagine."

"OH Simon!" she exclaimed and threw her arms around him "I love you so much!"

He hugged her and just the heat from his body stirred her soul.

She realized how madly and truly her husband loved her and she couldn't imagine how blessed she was.

She was the happiest and the most fulfilled woman in the world.

"Why would I ever be angry at the fact that you- wrote letters to me?" she asked and smiled "that has to be the most romantic thing ever."

Simon smiled "it is, isn't it?"

Violet nodded, brushing off a tear "where is Marian?"

"Sleeping, she was quite tired after playing with me for three hours straight."

Violet laughed.

Simon laughed too "come let's go and watch her."

As Simon got up to leave, Violet held his hand "wait."

He smiled and frowned "yes?"

"How did you find this letter?"

Simon sat back down "this was with me all along. This was my last letter to you, but I didn't send it to you because you had clearly told 'anonymous' that you had feelings for someone- which was me by the by-"

Violet grinned.

"-so I just wrote it out but didn't send it to you. It was like a little secret of my own."

"I see."

"So you do."

"Well?" Violet said, feeling too happy to cease the conversation "why don't you read it to me now?"

Simon grinned "really?"

"Well, yes" she said, bursting into laughter "I want to know, I'm dying to know."

Simon laughed and took the letter from her "you dramatic woman."

Violet smiled and looked out at the bright sunlight that filtered in through the window, settling on the sketch of a violet bloom on the envelope. 

The fragrance of the bloom reminded her of how much her life had changed.

And who had changed it.

And that how much she loved him, as he sat beside her, with a glorious smile etched into his lips as he started reading the letter.

"Dear Miss Violet..."


Dear, Miss Violet. ✔Where stories live. Discover now