Chapter 43

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Violet folded her hands in her lap and sat there in emptiness. There was this hollow feeling in her heart. A hollow ache, that rung deep. A void that Simon had filled with his love and emptied with his departure.

The tears that streamed down her face refused to stop.

She wanted to run away and just hide somewhere.

Away from all the chaos. Internal chaos.

She slumped her shoulders and buried her face in her hands, crying endlessly. She felt aloof and unable to move, bereft of energy to even look around.

After around an hour, when she finally gathered some strength, she slowly trudged her way back home, her mind boggling with a million questions.

'We can't be together'

Why, but? What was stopping him from being with her? She knew that he had feelings for her. She could sense that in the way he held her, in the way he swooped her in his arms- with an unmatched urgency to feel her.

Violet knew that something was holding Simon back from having her, that much was clear. And from his talks she could deduce that it was somehow related to his past.

Something from his past was stopping him. What could it be?

It was probably the reason Simon had grown into this mysterious personality that London disliked.

The curiosity to know about Simon's secret started churning Violet's insides. She had to find it. She had to.

She knew that Simon hadn't pushed her away because he had stopped feeling for her- he'd never hurt her, that much she was sure about.

He wasn't the type of man to hurt without purpose- there had to be something.

The moment she reached home, she buried herself under covers.

Her brain couldn't stop producing questions and she was unable to get some rest. She wanted to find out, but the energy had been sapped away from her with such force that it was arduous to even lift a finger.

She stayed in her bed till evening, reading Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. It was one of her favourites beside Pride and Prejudice. She kept reading, but still her eyes couldn't focus.

Her mind was occupied by Simon and his presence. Which she missed a lot.

His arms, his hair, his lips- everything.

Knock Knock

Violet looked at her door "yes?"

Her mother, Mary entered, sitting beside Violet on the bed. She touched her face "Violet, are you ill? The maid told me that you haven't eaten anything since morning."

Violet closed her book and kept it aside "I am fine."

Her mother straightened out her skirts, looking Violet in the eye "I am here to ask you something.."

Violet felt her brows furrow "yes?"

"Who Lydia?" she questioned.

"Lydia, my old chum. Um..who's daughter married that baron last year-"

"Ahh, Lady Lydia.." Violet said "what about her?"

"She was at the dress shop today, and she umm, saw you with Lord Simon.." her mother let out as she gulped.

Violet leaned in, her body rocked with anxiety "Oh! I didn't see her, I suppose.."

Of course, she hadn't seen her. Violet's eyes hadn't seen anybody except Simon. It had felt as if no one was there, but only him. Standing shyly in the corner, his eyes arrested by her sight. She'd felt like a princess, walking to him. And his eyes were looking at her as if she was the most beautiful woman in the universe.

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