Chapter 1

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As the golden sun rays caressed Violet's cheek, she woke up and stifled a yawn.

It felt all rosy and warm. Mornings were Violet's favorite.

She got up from her bed, and walked to her window.

Her front lawn, was filled with violet blooms, which blossomed so beautifully, that Violet had a keen urge to pluck one bloom and let the redolence of it cleanse her soul.

She was the only child of her parents, and was lovingly brought up, and was always given what she wanted.

Her father, a retiring Baronet, made sure that the violets that grew in their front lawn, were always fresh, and he himself watered and nurtured them. His love for the violet flowers was the reason why he had named his daughter after the flower, and coincidentally her eyes too had turned out to be the exact shade of violet.

Violet, just like her eyes was exceedingly beautiful. She was the catch of the season, and had innumerable men chasing her and at her feet. She, of course was grateful for what she had, but never really liked the over attention that she got. All women were really jealous of her, so she had no friend too. And even the friends that she had, they all had got married. So her lone always troubled her and she desperately wanted a friend- or maybe she just wanted some spice in her life.

Violet sighed. Was she hoping for too much?

She took a bath and ate her breakfast, sitting down at her desk.

Violet would at times (if she was lucky) would get letters and she loved to reply to them. Violet loved writing, and had a few writing pals who were all her cousins who lived far away from London, in the country. They sent Violet letters each week, and Violet eagerly waited for them.

She checked her brown basket today to see if she'd received any letters. The butler, would drop letters in Violet's brown basket,kept atop her desk, if any were sent for her.

Violet smiled, there were two letters for her.

One was from her cousin who lived in the countryside, saying that he was coming to London.

Violet took out the other letter from the basket, frowning as she did so.

Violet, in many years had never received a letter so attractive. She smiled. The envelope was violet hued, and had the fragrance of a violet flower. Her name was prettily written on the cover, with a small sketch of a violet flower.

Violet of course, received admiration letters from many people, but no one ever took out time to make their letter appear so wondrous. Who ever had written this one had made an attempt to impress her. And needless to say, that she was impressed.

Violet slowly opened the envelope.

Here the letter was~

Dear Miss Violet,

There are many admirers of your splendid allure.

One of them is me. A keen admirer.

I've always wanted to tell you how beautiful you are. How I love your eyes.

Your violet eyes amuse me so much. Each speck of them is much more brighter than the previous one. Your blonde hair shines so brightly, that my eyes get arrested. Your body moves in such perfect gait that I can't help but watch the tiny movements that others miss, but I observe perfectly. Your lower lip, is always quivering, and I find that so adorable. The length of your nose matches the length of your ears, and your eyelashes are really long and fine. The five freckles on your nose are really light, but so very endearing.

I secretly love you, and for you I might count among the other men, but for me, no one really counts except for you.

Please reply to this mad lover of yours, I'm eagerly waiting. Drop your letter behind the rose bush in Ambient Garden today (if possible).

Yours and yours truly,


Violet could feel small tears at her eyes.

The letter was so spectacular, that she was shocked into silence.

She was alarmed too, but that really didn't matter.

She had to reply.

Dear, Miss Violet. ✔Where stories live. Discover now