Chapter 5

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Violet freshened up and went back to the ballroom. She looked around for Lord Simon, but he was nowhere to be found...
Violet gulped. He must've been really annoyed.
Violet mentally kicked herself. She was really clumsy, and she needed to sort her life henceforth.
Violet turned behind to see her cousin who had come to London for the season from country side.
"How are you dear Albert?! " Violet said and hugged him.
"Fine!  What about you,  long time. I just arrived in London today morning.  Was quite an exhausting journey,  must say."

Violet smiled "oh. I'm fine too."
"By the way,  you look a bit distressed..... Any problem?" Albert asked with a frown.
"Do tell me Violet."
Violet took a deep breath and narrated the incident to her cousin.
"L-Lord Simon!" Albert exclaimed.
Violet widened her eyes "yes...but why are you so shocked?"
Albert paled a bit.
"I don't know Violet, he is quite a dangerous man. He doesn't really like it if someone interrupts him or brings him any pain in any manner. He is quite short-tempered and a predator of ire."
Violet frowned "why but? Why, tell me, does everyone have this image of him?"
Albert began to walk "Lord Simon was quite the Casanova a few years back. He'd attend parties and steal the show. Ladies would swoon at his feet. He was quite the charm. He still is, in fact. But some thing happened to him all of a sudden, and he turned into a dark fellow. He'd get into fights and would give away to anger easily. No body really knows the reason behind the change, because the change was so sudden, that it almost appears unfathomable. Fortunately he's been quite stable for some time now but one cannot be too sure."
"I...see..." Violet nodded.
"But, Albert, do you think I should apologize to him?"
"That's up to you, entirely. I really cannot help."
"But, Albert, when I knocked us both over, Lord Simon didn't really act rudely at all. Instead he assured me that it was all fine and stuff..."
"That's because you're a respectable young woman. If you were a man, he'd surely tear you apart from limb to limb."
Violet gulped.
Albert raised his eyebrows.
"Albie, I think we should forget Lord Simon for the night."

Simon took off as quickly as he could, after the incident with Miss Violet.
Simon had imagined a scenario with her a million times.
But today the scenario had taken place and had taken a beautiful form, even if it meant risking his favorite attire.
But as a coward, Simon had fled the scene.
Simon's heart ached for her love, and yet he couldn't bring himself to tell her that. Well that was a different story altogether.....
He just  couldn't tell her....not because he was a coward..but because he was held back by some gruesome reason.
Simon left the party early and sat in his study at home with a bottle of brandy. Now he had enough time to replay the scenario in his head for a thousand times.
Violet looked so beautiful in that dress. That violet dress.
That violet dress with different frills and a silver neckline.
That violet dress with a low deep cut, and circular intricate designs that covered the top quarter of her dress.
That violet dress, whose hem was folded thrice and appeared to be 3-4 shades lighter than the overall dress.

Simon looked at his hand. This was the same hand that had held her hand while picking her up. Simon kissed his hand and maybe he was dreaming, but he could feel her scent, her fragrance leave a soft trail around his brain.
That was a maddening moment.
It was love, but it felt a lot more than that.
No, it wasn't heaven. It felt like thousand levels of heaven.
It felt as if happiness was tending towards infinity.
It felt as if she belonged to him.
Only to him.
She was an angel. No, she was a Goddess.
But dear God, it hurt him that he couldn't have her.
Not in this life at least.
In fact, never.

Dear, Miss Violet. ✔Where stories live. Discover now