Chapter 40

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Simon felt miraculously healed. The crystal in his pocket, the woman in his arms, and the stars above his head- everything seemed to treat his heart well. 

After their little dance, Simon knelt down and kissed her right hand "this was pure pleasure."

Violet flushed and curtsied "it truly was."

Simon stood and hugged her, his soul stirring with bliss "I needed this so much, Violet."

Violet hugged him back, her tiny hands settling at his waist "me too, I can't get enough of you."

They both walked over to the divan and Simon pulled her onto his lap.

Violet's furrowed brows gave away to an expression of mischief and she slowly elbowed him in his ribs "aren't we getting too close lately?"

Simon's heart skipped a beat and he pulled her further toward him "not yet."

He pulled down her hair and took one luscious lock into his mouth "you're never too close."

Violet arched and touched his mouth, playing with his lips "is it? How close is too close?"

"Let me show you" he said and got up, covering her body with his as she slipped onto the divan "let me.."

Violet giggled as his hand slid up to her shoulder and touched her neck "you're incorrigible."

"Is it?" he smiled "oh you have no idea."

Violet slapped his right arm playfully and he groaned. Her touch seemed to light him afire. 

Suddenly her eyes widened and he gulped. 

What was he doing?

He was well on his way to ruin her reputation, and he shouldn't. He got up suddenly and cleared his throat. 

Violet's face fell and she stood too, looking into his eyes "did I do something wrong to upset you?"

"Oh no darling!" he exclaimed, raking his hand through his hair "it's just that, your reputation matters a lot to me."

Violet opened her mouth but didn't speak. She shrugged and touched his arm "alright."

"Um..your hair have come out of the coiffure.." he said pointedly.

Violet touched her hair and heaved a sigh "yes."

"Shall we fix it?" he suggested, pulling her closer.

Violet's puzzled expression made her even more adorable "can you?"

"We can always try.." he said and turned her around, taking a few locks in his right hand while pulling out the pins "just tell me what to do."

"Fix one pin to the hair beneath my ear, and the other pin a little north to the first one. Do the same for the other ear. Then roll my hair into a bun-"

" this?" Simon asked, carefully following her instructions.

Violet felt her hair and groaned "I'll have to go to the washroom to fix it, it's not easy to do so... I'll have to leave now."

Simon sighed "alright. I'll stay here for an hour or more to avoid any scandal."

Violet nodded, and with a quick peck on his cheek, left.

Simon stayed there gazing at the sky. He felt an urgent need to just calm himself. Even a few minutes with Violet left him all desire stricken. He needed to soothe his nerves that ached for her closeness.

Hell, how was he to part with her?

After an hour and half of solitude, he heard a voice from behind him.


He turned around in surprise "Benedict?"

"So happy to see you, mate" Lord Benedict said, with open arms.

Simon walked toward him and hugged him, it had been a long time since a good friend of his had talked to him.

"Why aren't you down at the musicale?" Simon questioned.

"Eh" Lord Benedict shrugged "needed some respite. Amanda's wedding preparation is exhausting."

The men walked further into the terrace, settling on the divans.

"What are you doing up here, Simon?"

"You know how much I hate to socialize."

"You never used to" Benedict said softly "you've changed so much."
Simon sighed, slumping his shoulders "I know."
"I hope you are alright."

"I am Ben, I am. I miss my old self, but lately even memories tire me."

"What is it that changed the popular Simon?" Benedict asked, widening his eyes slowly.

"Is it fine with you if I don't share?" Simon asked, bringing his hands together.

"It's perfectly alright. Just know, that I'm always available for a chat."

Simon nodded. Benedict had once been his best chum at university. They together had done a lot of mischief, drank a lot, had partied, had played cards at clubs....those days remained close to his heart. 

Simon found this maturity of his a little suffocating. The rift that had been drawn amidst them because of Simon's changed self was something that troubled him. 

He'd lost so many relationships in the past years that it did not even affect him anymore. 

But some relationships that were lost could never be forgotten.

"Er.." Simon cleared his throat "how is Lady Amanda? And who is the groom?"

Benedict smiled "he's a countryside baron, resides close to Dorset. He met Amanda during her trip there, and they fell in love. I don't think I've ever seen her so happy. Francis is a good fella, and they both are quite nauseatingly in love with each other."

"You must be so happy for them, right?"
"Of course. Amanda has always been my favorite. And it makes me so happy to see her laugh, smile and live...just live. After my father's death, she was left devastated, as she was quite close to him. This is the most I have seen her laugh in years. It just....makes me satisfied.."
Simon smiled at his friend and kept his hand on Benedict's arm "all's well that ends well."

Benedict sighed contentedly "yes."

After a few moments of silence, the men left the terrace and attended the musicale.

Simon's eyes searched for Violet, and when he finally caught a glimpse of her, he smirked. She grinned and blushed, letting her eyes down coyly. Simon heaved a sigh, because the violet eyed woman who arrested his eyes was clad in beauty. She was pure goddess, and he wanted to worship her, he really wanted to. His heart cried out her name all the time, and somewhere at the back of his mind, he couldn't help but wonder whether he would ever have his happy ending.

Because all never could end well for Simon Siddell.

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