Chapter 14

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Lord John's parties were always extravagant. The wine and drinks would flow freely, and the jewels worn by the rich people of the ton arrested the eye so much that one could feel herself rediscovering her deepest measure of lack of wealth.

Violet sighed as she entered the ballroom, crying internally as her abiding admirers took their positions beside her. They kept praising her, kept pleasing her and kept demanding for her attention until she literally flew the scene.

Violet spotted Miranda at the extreme end of the ballroom, looking at her glass of wine, as if it was her savior for the night.

"You get a lot of attention Violet, don't you?" Miranda asked, without once looking at her.

Violet frowned "huh?"

"I feel impuissant when I face you" Miranda shrugged as she looked Violet straight in the eye.

"What are you talking about?" Violet questioned.

"Wine?" Miranda asked, preparing a glass for Violet at the counter.

Violet nodded, eyeing Miranda carefully. 

Miranda looked sort of...uneasy. Sort of....hateful?

Violet shook her head. Miranda wasn't of that type.

"What are you thinking about, Violet?" Miranda asked, handing over Violet, her glass.

"Nothin...nothing, in particular. Just. I mean, I was thinking about these rich people. Look at them! Adorned with jewels."

"I'll tell you something, wait."

Miranda refilled her glass and took a few sips.

Violet looked at her carefully. 

"So listen" Miranda said, after she was done "there are two types of people in the ton. Rich and not-so-rich-but-who-can-afford-to-host-a-party-once-in-a-lifetime. The latter want their children to just marry safe and be happy. Those children want to be rich, so they pry upon the wealthy continuously. After they're done prying, they start getting jealous and initiate talking bad about the wealthy ones. That includes them, stating how everything pertaining to them lies in the thin line of curtailment of various factors mainly including money, at times, looks. Looks, though not in your case. They keep crying, prying, trying, but to no avail. This keeps happening. And then they die. That's their life. And trust me, wallflowers like me have it worst."

"Miranda. Dear, it's not like that always. I don't belong to the rich community. But I don't cry. I have seen times where my parents did not know how to arrange money. I have seen times where my father, being a baronet, had to ask for money. I have been through a lot, but thinking about the rich people's lives, is something I never do. Many aren't wealthy, but they are happier than those who possess money, because, wealth is always measured in comparison and a little less creates more jealousy."

"YOU HAVE LOOKS! What else do you want?" Miranda questioned with a frown.

Violet sighed and longed to massage her forehead. She wanted to reply, but soon noticed that the air around her was quieter than the rest of the ballroom. Violet looked to her right and widened her eyes.

It was Lord Simon coming to her side.

Violet noticed Miranda going a little pale.

"Lord Simon" Violet curtsied as Simon acknowledged her.

Miranda curtsied too. Simon's eyes focused on Miranda for a second, and he frowned. 

Without a second glance, he turned back to Violet.

"I assume you are alright now, Miss Violet" Simon smiled.

The entire ballroom looked at them. It wasn't often that Lord Simon stepped out of his den to acknowledge beautiful women.

"Perfectly fine, thank you so much for your aid. I'm indebted. Thank you, Lord Simon" Violet said as she blushed a little.

Simon sensed the quietude and turned back to look at the ton, giving them a hard stare.

Everybody resumed to their chattering and hustle bustle.

Simon turned back and smiled at Violet "my pleasure."

Violet sensed the exchange of events and couldn't resist a smile.

"You have a huge influence on people don't you?" She asked, all smiles.

Simon blushed.."I-"

"Were you sick Violet? Why didn't you tell me?" Miranda asked.

Simon looked uneasy "I assume I was conversing with Miss Violet."

Miranda clamped her mouth shut.

Violet looked at the both of them, and sensed something wrong.

"I'll leave now. Have some work. It was nice meeting you" Simon said and turned to Miranda "and you."

Before Violet could reply, Simon left hurriedly, as faces turned to him and bodies, backed off.

Dear, Miss Violet. ✔Where stories live. Discover now