Fifty Eight

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a/n: hey hey so thanks for all your comments on that last chapter thing! i did answer a few questions i saw about why louis is such a jerk and why summer is always so forgiving with harry and any other questions i saw. if you're curious to know those answers, you can go look through the comments to find them, i know there's kind of a lot to go through so obviously you don't have to. so anywho thanks again for answering! it's nice to know what the heck is going through your minds when you're reading this haha

"Fuck, this is heavy," I groaned as I lifted all the grocery bags onto the kitchen counter. I drew in a couple breaths as I looked up.

"You're weak," Xander rolled his eyes. He picked up one of the plastic bags and took a peek inside. "Not bad on the shopping there, Martha Stewart. You even bought aprons." He glanced up at me and raised a brow in amusement, "Fancy pants."

"Listen, I don't know anything about cooking besides how to boil water. I'm just trying to be fully prepared here."

"You really don't need an apron," he pulled the item out of the bag and tossed it over to me. "But go ahead and put it on there, Bobby Flay."

I grabbed the apron from his hand and scowled as I placed it on the counter top.

So while all the girls decided to go out shopping and do other girly things, all the guys were coming over to my place for this little cooking class. Rather than teaching me the basics on how to cook, Xander decided he just wanted to teach me how to cook a dinner meal for when Summer's parents came over. He could've taught me an entire three-course meal, but since the other guys were coming over, they wanted to help as well.

Xander was going to teach me to cook the main course, Liam wanted to make a fancy salad, and Zayn said he had some kind of nice summertime dessert. Niall and Louis were just coming over to be the taste testers.

It was going to be a full house, and I was slightly underprepared.

It took us a while to figure out what the hell we were actually going to cook, but Liam suggested that we keep everything healthy. A healthy and superfood meal. I thought it was kind of silly because I don't even eat this healthy, but there's no harm in eating better, right?

There was a swift knock on the door before Niall opened it, peeking his head inside.

"Hey, Styles! Xander!" He greeted with a large grin on his face.

"Hi, Niall," I laughed, watching him immediately making himself at home. He jumped over and onto one of the couches, propping his feet up on the arm rest.

Zayn and Liam walked in after him, saying hi and carrying grocery bags of their own. As they were taking out all the items they brought, Liam was marveling over my apartment. He kept commenting how it was the perfect size for two people and that everything looked so nice. I assumed he was just being polite because my place really wasn't that great.

Louis walked in through the door last. He held a bag in his hand that looked like it was filled with a gaming system and a bunch of games. I never owned one of those, so I had no idea which one it was. If I were to guess, it'd be whatever the newest one was. Louis held his nose in the air, as if my place smelled really gross. It probably did, I mean, can't expect too much from two guys living together.

"This place is tiny," he looked around before settling his vision on me. "You live here with more than one person?"

"It's not that bad," I shrugged, taking a seat on the stool at the counter. "You get used to it fast."

He took a couple steps towards all of us as he was examining everything in my living area, "Where did you get this stuff? Do you shop at Goodwill or something?"

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