Twenty Four

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My nerves built up inside me as I walked closer and closer to the building. I was starting to feel the perspiration on my forehead, either from my nervousness or the heat of the sun. Either of those were plausible explanations for how hot I was feeling at the moment. The closer I got to the building, the more anxious I was growing.

I had no idea what I was going to do or what I was going to say or how I was going to act or if I'd chicken out and go down to the cupcake shop to stuff my face in bakery items. Maybe I was just thinking too much about this whole situation. I don't really know. I didn't text or call Summer to let her know that I was coming over, so I'm not even sure if she wants to see or talk to me. This could either go pretty well or really bad.

As I rounded the corner of the street, I could see Albert standing outside the doors of the building, smiling at all the people who passed by him. I was nervous to even see him. I mean, the last time I was here, I ran out of the building without hesitation, and come to think of it, my umbrella is probably still there. 

When I approached the front doors of the building, I could see Albert recognize me by the look on his face. He put on a small smile and opened the door before following me inside.

"Good afternoon, Harry. Haven't seen you around in a while."

I thanked him for opening the door for me and turned around to face him, "Yeah, I guess I've been a little busy recently."

"Ah, I get it. You left your umbrella here last time. I've been holding it at the front desk. You ran out so quickly, I didn't get the chance to hand it to you. What were you doing running out into the storm like that?"

"Uh. I guess I just didn't think of grabbing it. I was in a bit of a rush."

He nodded his head as we stood in the middle of the lobby, "Well the next time it storms like that, you should remember the umbrella, or stay in here until it clears up. No need for you to be out there getting drenched if you could stay dry inside the building."

"Thanks, I'll remember that next time."

Albert nodded his head and looked toward the elevators before turning back to me, "Is Ms. Lutes coming down or shall I send you up?"

I hesitated as I debated on what to do. First of all, I didn't even know if she was here, but he made it sound like she was. And second, if she was here, I didn't want to just randomly pop up in her apartment without warning. I could text her to let her know I was here, but I don't know, for some reason I didn't want to.

"Um, do you know for sure if she's up there?"

"I haven't seen her walk through the doors, so I'm assuming she is," Albert pointed towards the front desk as he took a few steps in that direction. "I can give her a call if you'd like?"

I followed him over to the large desk, as he walked behind it. He handed me the umbrella I left after he fished it out from the desk, "Sure, that would be good. But please don't tell her it's me who's here." He gave me a skeptical look, so I quickly made up an excuse, "I just want it to be a surprise."

He nodded his head, and I felt myself growing more and more nervous as he picked up the phone. He pressed a few buttons and waited until she picked up. 

"Ah hello, Ms. Lutes. Your friend is down here. May I send them up? ... Okay, they will be on their way," Albert hung up the phone and started to walk out from behind the desk. I followed him over towards the elevators as he swiped the card for Summer's floor and nodded his head. "I'll see you on your way out, Harry."

The doors shut and soon I was being lifted to the top level. I was trying to calm myself down and lower my heart rate by taking deep breaths, but I was just way too anxious about this whole thing. What if I freeze up and draw a complete blank? What if she doesn't want to see me and immediately sends me back down the elevator? All these 'what if's'  in my mind were really throwing me off.

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