Thirty Nine

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a/n: made a summary manip ^ thank you for three million reads! that's just incredible & i can't explain how much it means to me! enjoy the chapter ;) ;) ;)

Summer and I were sitting on a bench in Central Park, just watching all the people around us and eating our ice creams. It was actually quite peaceful and not too hot, so for once, I was actually really enjoying being outside.

People were walking or running by us, some of them walking or playing with their dogs. There were those regular people at their stands, selling food or art pieces. A couple of people were trying to earn money from passersby as they performed some kind of act. It was just one of those typical days at the park, except this time I was sitting with Summer and acting as if people weren't staring at us.

We had actually been here for a while. We didn't grab ice cream right away like we had intended to do because we gotten caught up in walking around the park. Once some guy with an ice cream cart passed us, we realized that we hadn't bought any, so we got something off the cart and sat down on the nearest bench.

It wasn't even planned that we were going to come here, and the fact that we had walked all the way from my apartment to the park was a little ridiculous. We just kept walking and talking and not really paying any attention to where we were headed until suddenly we ended up at the park. It was a tad bit weird, but who's to say we weren't weird?

It was actually starting to get pretty late into the afternoon, but neither of us did a thing about moving. I had received a few texts from Xander asking if I'd be home for the night and a few from Isabella asking if Ronnie was lying about me saying I loved Summer.

"So, dinner and movie at my place?" Summer spoke up, breaking the silence between us.

"Sure, that sounds good to me," I smiled. "What shall we get for food?"

"Take out or cook something?"

"You pick. I'm not very good at making food decisions."

She shook her head as she laughed, "Alright, how about we pick up ... a pizza?"


"Okay, pizza it is."

The two of us had sat there for a little while longer, talking to each other and making jokes about whatever we saw at the park. They weren't even funny jokes, but we were laughing like a couple of school kids, gaining more attention our way.

I was beginning to get used to all this unwanted attention. The more time I spent with Summer out in public, the more I was learning to just ignore the people around us. All the sneaky picture taking and not-so-secret whispering were unavoidable, so it was in my best interest to just act as if they didn't exist. Every once in a while it would weird me out, especially if it was ridiculously obvious, but each time Summer would just make a small comment that would set my head straight again.

It was almost like those people on The Real World, being followed by cameras 24/7. I just had to get used to it and act as if they weren't there. Of course it was difficult at first, but after a while, it wasn't that hard to just keep going about my business like nothing changed.

Summer and I picked up a pizza from some tiny hole-in-the-wall pizza shop a couple streets over from her place. Albert was there to greet us when we had gotten into the building, and we ended up sitting down in the lobby with him for a short while, sharing the pizza with him. He hadn't opened the door for a few people because he was with us, which typically might have gotten him fired from any other place like this, but I guess when your boss's daughter wants you to have pizza with her, it's not an issue to miss a few door openings.

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