Thirty One

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a/n: hola! i was able to write a chapter while still on vacation. (( please do ignore any mistakes bc i have not edited this yet )) i made a summer/harry manip ^ ! not sure exactly what their ship is lol anywho enjoy the chapt <3

I walked over to the railing where Niall and Liam were standing, looking down onto the main floor. The crowd of people were all gathered towards the hallway that we had walked in from. They were cheering and shouting 'happy birthday' as they all seemed to move together. 

The first person I saw walk out of the hallway was Cambria. It was as if she had a boyfriend radar because immediately she looked up towards us, smiling and waving at Zayn. He waved back before taking a sip of his drink and walking away. I felt someone else approach me, and I turned my head to see Xander at my side. He gave me a friendly smile as he looked out to the dance floor.

It was only a few short moments before I saw Summer step out from the hallway. She was smiling so brightly as she looked around at everyone around her, waving and muttering 'thank you' to them all.

Even from far away I could see how beautiful she looked. Nothing fancy was done to her hair, just completely straightened out and looking so soft. She wore this black dress that was cut in a v shape all the way down her chest. I bit my bottom lip as I stood there staring at her out in the crowd. 

I was still amazed that someone like her could like someone like me.

I was so caught up in admiring her from afar that I didn't realize the rest of the guys had started walking down the stairs. Xander placed his hand atop my shoulder as he moved me along to follow them. Isabella tagged along behind us, and I kept looking back to make sure she was okay walking in those heels. 

We reached the main floor, weaving in and out of people as I tried keeping up with Niall. He was so small and able to quickly move through the crowd that it was somewhat difficult for me to keep up with him. Once I finally caught up to him, he was stopped in front of Summer, giving her one of his hugs and swaying side to side.

Summer was grinning from ear to ear as she was chatting and saying hello to everyone. As if she could sense my presence, she turned her head towards me, her smile growing even bigger. Instantly I felt my heart beat start to increase as my legs carried me towards her. She threw her arms around my neck, squeezing tightly as I wrapped my arms around her small waist.

It felt so nice to be with her. It had only been three days since we last saw each other, but it kind of felt longer than that. 

Summer pulled back from me before she pressed her lips to mine, earning a rush of electricity to course through my body. Three days and I missed her this much. I was starting to believe I was getting pathetic. 

After I was brought back to the reality that we were standing in the middle of a massive crowd, I was the one to pull away from our kiss. Even in the dark lighting of the club, I could see Summer's cheeks start to turn into a pinkish shade as she shyly smiled up at me. I leaned down and gave her a quick kiss to her forehead, earning a bunch of awe's from the people around us.

Soon I was feeling embarrassed from the amount of people watching us.

"Erm," I cleared my throat, looking down at Summer as her arms were now wrapped around my waist. "Happy birthday!"

"Thank you," she smiled before letting go of me and turning towards Xander and Isabella. "I'm so glad you guys could make it!"

"Like I would miss a party," Isabella laughed, giving Summer a hug. "Happy birthday!"

Xander moved and took her in his embrace, holding on tightly to her with one arm, "Well we couldn't miss your birthday now, could we?" He lowered his voice, pretending to whisper in her ear as he pointed at me, "And we needed to keep an eye on this guy here. He gets a little crazy in the club."

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