Adam's POV

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I love to see her.

I love her stone and straight face

I love how she never smiles

In fact, she didn't know how to smile

But even with her serious, straight and stone face, she's still beautiful

She's beautiful.

Every day in the classroom, the first face I would like to see is her face, and I love it every time we make eye contact, she always rolls her eyes.

Every single time!

But the funny thing is, I always waited for that day

Always wonder what kind of problems she'll make today. What kind of expression that she'll make today, and what kind of words she's going to say today?

I waited that day, every day.

Masuk sahaja ke dalam kelas, aku dapat lihat wajah beberapa pelajar yang sudah membanjiri dewan kuliah ini. Namun, bukan wajah mereka yang ingin aku lihat di pagi isnin minggu ini, ada wajah lain yang ingin kulihat, yang sentiasa di fikiranku siang dan malam.


Sebaik sahaja kami bertentangan mata, aku dapat lihat dia mengangkat bibir atas dibahagian kanannya lalu memutarkan bebola matanya ke atas. Tanda yang dia sedang menyampah denganku. Dan aku sentiasa, sedaya-upaya cuba untuk menutupi diriku dari tersenyum melihat kerenah Irish.

Cukup dengan itu, hari isninku lengkap.

Tiada lagi blue monday.


One day, we touched.

I felt butterflies in my stomach; no, I felt the whole zoo in my stomach, and I was so scared if she noticed my red face. So, I tried my best to control my expression.

One day, she was late.

I want to be mad, but I can't.

And it's tough to keep pretending that you're mad, but at the same time, you don't want to be mad.


One day, she cries.

I was staring at her tent that night, and that's why I knew she went outside her tent and cried. I was lying about going to the room because there was no way I would tell her that I was staring at her tent all the time.

Like in the old times, I wanted to be by her side and comfort her...

Seeing her cry made me sad, too, it made me want to hug her, and I wanted to tell her everything would be okay.

But then again,

She's good at hiding her feelings

That night, I was glad I had given the ideas

'Night walks'

And I am glad we were partners.

I thought, maybe God gave me a chance.

To tell her my feelings.

Aku menyembunyikan senyuman dari dinampak oleh Irish. Malah, aku perasan yang dia tak habis-habis menjelingku tajam apatah lagi apabila aku berdiri di hadapannya. Mesti bermacam jenis wajah yang dia sedang buat ketika ini.

"I should keep my distance. Dia ni bukan boleh percaya sangat." omelnya namun aku dapat mendengarnya.

Dan tanpa aku sedar aku ketawa halus mendengarnya dan tidak tunggu lama aku membalas. "Says the one who's barging into my room while I was showering."

Dr. Adam UkasyahWhere stories live. Discover now