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"We bring you Chancellor Pike of the Sky people."



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The reins of Reyna's horse were held tightly in her hands as she and Clarke moved swiftly through the forest.

They didn't talk much since Reyna wasn't in the mood for talking and Clarke wasn't her favorite person at the moment.

Reyna felt the droplets of icy rain on her skin when she came out of the shade the trees provided and into a clearing.

She glanced at the blonde girl who was riding behind her and then back at the path ahead.

They both flinched when an arrow suddenly pierced the tree right by Reyna's head. Her head snapped back and she saw no sign of the archer anywhere.

Clarke looked disturbed and was looking around frantically, her chest heaving.

Another arrow was fired and the tip dug into the ground right beside Clarke's horse causing the blonde girl to gasp. They heard the gallop of multiple horses and they both stopped their horses.

"What's that?" Clarke frantically asked.

"Ontari's warriors. She probably sent them after me." Reyna responded shortly as the sound increased, "Go to Arkadia, I'll take care of this."

"No, I won't-"

"I said go." Reyna growled harshly.

Clarke hesitantly nodded before she rode off with her horse while Reyna turned Nyx around and waited for the warriors to get there.

When they came into the view she only saw three of them on their horses with their weapons in hand. Reyna didn't get a chance to make a decision before Nyx made one for her. Nyx reared back letting out a loud neigh, Reyna clenched her thighs to her sides holding onto the reins. When Nyx' feet touch the ground Reyna lurched forward as the horse instantly took off.

She rode hard and fast into towards the warriors. Reyna breathed deeply as she urged her horse to go even faster, adrenaline coursing through her veins.

Reyna sliced her way between two of the warriors, slashing their throats and killing them in an instant.
She jumped down from her horse and turned to her, "Go girl, follow Clarke." She tapped Nyx's thigh and the horse neighed before running the way Clarke had gone in.

Then she turned and faced the last warrior who was getting off of his horse. They glared at each other, both lost in seething anger.

Reyna's anger wasn't at him particularly, she was angry at herself, at Titus, at the world and the bloodlust became visible in her eyes as she twisted her sword.

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