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FEARLESS | viii.
"In case you missed it. His people are already killing us. How many more of our people need to die before you realize we're fighting a war."



Outside of the dropship the delinquents were yelling and trying to save the tents from the wild wind. A storm was coming. Another one even if the ones that already came weren't caused by nature, they were harder to get through.

Reyna would be lying if she said the storms didn't scare her. The thunders were fine, it was the lightning bolts that she hated. She hated how hard the wind blew and the way it crushed everything in its way. It was just one of the things on Earth that scared her, one of many.

She was in the dropship besides Raven as the girl desperately tried to contact the Ark, "This is Raven Reyes. Calling Ark Station." Raven brought the radio up to her lips, repeating the same thing for the tenth time.

The storm grew and it got louder outside. Reyna  shifted her gaze and looked towards the door. The wind was now tearing their tents apart. She was just relieved that she'd brought the books Darius gave her inside on time.

But then her eyes widened.

She had left his notebook outside the day before. And she was so caught up with everything that she hadn't retrieved it yet.

"Storm's getting worse." Clarke shouted before she turned to Monroe. "Monroe, close the doors."

Alerted, Reyna hurried towards the door before anyone could close it. To her luck, Monroe and Clarke came to a disagreement, delaying the closing of the doors for at least a bit.

She was at the entrance when a hand clasped around her forearm, halting her.

"Where the hell are you going?" Octavia's voice was breathy as her eyes scanned over Reyna.

"I just have to get something." Reyna rushed out, "Don't worry, I'll be right back."

Not giving Octavia any time to respond Reyna scurried out of the dropship.

Heavy black clouds loomed above, casting the forest in shadows and robbing it of light. The wind whipped the trees back and forth, yanking leaves off their branches.

Rain accompanied the wind.

At first, it was just a dribble, icy on Reyna's skin, but as she ran it turned into an all-out pour.

Panicked, Reyna took her jacket off, holding it over her head as she sprinted.

It wasn't long before she made it to the spot where she'd sat the night before, kneeling on the grass and throwing the now damp leaves out of the way in a rushed manner.

The notebook was nowhere to be found.

Not under the leaves, or behind the rocks. Reyna cursed under her breath, combing through the grass all around to try and find it.

Her efforts were fruitless, for the notebook had seemingly disappeared.

She knew she was in the right spot. She knew exactly where she had left it, but now there was no trace of it anywhere around.

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