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"All that 'whatever the hell we want' crap.
You only wanted to save your own ass."



Reyna's feet stirred up the duvet of mist that covered the ground as she sauntered through the woods. The moon was slowly making her way down, and the sky went from pitch black to a shade of purple that Reyna adored. She felt at peace like this. Alone in the woods, under the comfort of the moon.

The group probably already made it back to the camp. But Reyna walked slow, savoring every moment of her peace.

It seemed like every day on Earth something new happened, a new problem arose, a conflict. But she couldn't complain. Even this kind of life was better than the one she had on the Ark. At least on Earth she wasn't alone. At least she was free.

Shuffling hit her ears and she stopped dead in her tracks. Unease slithered down her spine. With wide eyes she scanned the area around her, the lack of noise now making her wonder if the shuffling had been her own mind playing games with her.

When she was positive nothing was lurking in the woods around her she continued walking. But then, something tugged on her sleeve. Quickly taking out her knife Reyna turned around, pushing the person back enough for her to raise her hand, ready to attack.

A hand wrapped around her wrist before she could do any damage and she was forced to look up. A breath of relief left her lips when her eyes met familiar ones, "I could've killed you."

Darius scoffed, shaking his head, "Don't be ridiculous."

Reyna chuckled, "What, you don't think I could kill you if I wanted to?" She tilted her head, raising her eyebrows as she awaited his response.

"You? Kill me?"

"Why not?"

Now it was Darius' turn to chuckle, "You don't have the strength for that yet."

Reyna smiled up at him, slow and teasing, "One day I will." Then she got into his face and said, "You better hope we're still friends by then."

A ghost of a smile flitted across his features as he said, "We're not friends." He made sure to remind her, a corner of his lip quirking up for a split second.

"Right. You're my mentor."


A twig snapped somewhere in the distance and Reyna flinched at the sound, grasping her knife tighter in her hand as she looked around.

"Relax, it's probably an animal." Darius assured her, his voice voice a bit softer than usual.

Reyna nodded, trusting his words, but the faint note of fear still remained in her eyes. It was impossible to relax when there was a possibility of someone being out there in the woods.

Darius must've realized that because he unsheathed his dagger and stepped closer to her.

The action made Reyna's thundering heart slow down, all the tension disappearing as she looked up at him.

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