Chapter 49 - a Shocking Revelation

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Chapter 49 – a Shocking Revelation

Thursday, July 19, 2046
9:32 PM
Galnac VR, Downtown Houston
Houston, TX

Getting into the facility wasn't hard, but it was suspiciously quiet in here. Everybody charged in, thinking it was clear. I knew something was up. I looked at Reagan.

"Uh, guys? What on earth is going on?" I asked.

"Where is Long?" said Jake. "What is this?"

Suddenly, the doors around us closed. Locking us in. Another door opened and I came Long, along with Sarah! Sarah was alive! And she was at gunpoint! Reagan was shocked, but Sarah didn't allow him to come near.

"The car was destroyed in the accident!" I said. "Sarah died! This is impossible!"

"No, impossible is the fact you thought she died!" said Long. "Don't think you were the reason for the accident. I caused her car to slow down when you were behind her. I had drugged her and removed her from there, while she was unconscious."

"And for the last few months, I thought she was dead!" said Reagan. "If you hurt her, I swear!"

"Don't worry about that!" said Long. "Your soon-to-be ex-girlfriend and my soon-to-be wife, was untouched by me, but kept alive to this day."

"And for all this, you threatened to put the world at stake?" roared Reagan. "I don't believe this!"

"Captain, you catch on quick!" said Long. "Since I lost my job to a robot years ago, I had no choice but to engage in drugs!"

"Sarah had you arrested for that! It all makes sense!" said Uncle Kevin. "Unhand her!"

"Not so fast!" said Long and he fired at Uncle Kevin.

The bullet hit a drone that intervened in the path, shot through it, and barely touched Uncle Kevin before it fell and hit the ground. Long then called in his goons, as the drones also flew in to protect us as much as they could. Each drone producing a virtual shield barrier against bullets. The fight was on, and we all began to take on the thugs.

"Sarah! Get over here!" said Reagan.

Sarah, seeing Long distracted punched him and ran to Reagan. Jake and Reagan helped to untie her, and then fought the cronies. Police entered the facility. Each officer then drew their gun and fired at Long. The bullets were doing nothing, however. Long was wearing bulletproof attire. Reagan then found a machine gun, which was so powerful, it could pierce bulletproof material.

"Yes, this is it!" said Reagan. "Prepare to taste lead, Long!"

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