Chapter 21 - the Missing Personnel

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Chapter 21 – the Missing Personnel

Monday, May 28, 2046
11:30 PM
Underground prison camp

Footsteps then approached us outside the prison cell gate. All of us and the missing personnel looked at the man covered up in heavy cloaks. Wait, did I say man? No, it was a cloaked robot!

"I hope you've been enjoying your time in this cell, eating the food pouches and drinking water provided to you, in this area." The robot said. "Some of you are new, some have been days. Let me tell you newbies how this works. Just enjoy your time down here, working at this underground powerplants."

"What the hell?" said Jake. "Are you kidding me?"

"You're going to be paid, but at the cost of staying down here." The robot said. "This is a small price to pay, to help shape the world. You'll still be able to live a good life down here and have a better lifestyle too."

"At what cost?" said another prisoner, yes prisoner was the proper term here. "Killing real-world life outside?"

"You already have made your own planet hard to breathe!" said the android. "My master is merely offering you a better life."

"Master?" I said.

Okay, so what the hell was going on? Master? Was her referring to Liam Mitchell Jr? Did we just sign up for a job, where we'd die? I honestly was mad now. Jake on the other hand was looking around, seeing a computers and other electronic devices that also were surprisingly down here. He seemed intrigued by them. At this time? Seriously? Has he forgotten that we're being held prisoner down here?

"Everyone go sleep now!" said the android. "You've a big day at work tomorrow."

Eliza regained consciousness and I already can say, she wasn't feeling so good. The android then left. I then went to check on Jake, after all I needed to know what was going on.

"I think I may know a way out of this." Jake whispered. "It'll take some time, but I'll be able to help."

"What are you talking about?" I had to ask that, as I had absolutely no idea.

"These computers, this equipment, I've hacked this before, when I was in the army, before I was discharged in favor of automation. It'll take two weeks, but I can get us all out of here. But keep this between us!"

"I will." I said. "I don't know what you have in mind, but I trust you. Just take your time and get us all out."

We then shared a kiss. It was the least we could do, before anything. I was hoping for the best, but also planning for the worst.

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