Chapter 33 - Infiltrating the NASA Base

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Chapter 33 – Infiltrating the NASA Base

Monday, July 9, 2046
10:12 PM
NASA Spaceport
Houston, TX

We kept silent, crouched and while it was hard, we kept in cover for about a half hour. It wasn't easy, but we did what we had to do than to risk getting detected by thugs.

"What did these guys do to the guards here?" said Reagan. "I don't see any security of the sort."

"No, clue!" replied S.A.L.M.A. "Just stay low."

"I don't like the looks of this place!" I whispered loudly. "No other security nor help!"

"That's what worries me!" said Jake. "Stay low, camouflaged, and whatever you do, keep your head on a swivel, at all times! Hoo-ah?"

"Hoo-ah!" said me.

"Hoo-ah!" said Reagan.

"Hoo-ah!" added S.A.L.M.A.

So, with that, we safely traversed the airfield, taking out any nearby guard and using their smartphones to hack the drones above us. S.A.L.M.A did as she said she would, and was flirting with a male artificial intelligence program, known as K.U.R.T, or Kinetic Unnatural Reactive Tool, which was compromised and being controlled by the baddies.

"Good job, guys!" said Jake, as he shot two nearby guards, knocking them out and stealing their walkies. "We must get to the shuttle."

We spent the next fifteen minutes clearing out security, and then stealing space suits. S.A.L.M.A then initiated the eagle's launch sequence. We had cleared out most of the base, leaving out three guards who had gone to take a coffee break, unbeknownst to them, their comrades were out.

"Alright, we must get on that ship, ASAP!" said Jake. "It'll be leaving in less than two minutes."

"Got it!" said Reagan. "Let's catch the bird!"

We then ran through the tunnel. Not looking bad, we kept running, I was starting to lose stamina, but kept running. I needed to keep going. After a whole minute of sprinting, we finally entered the rocket. We were exhausted. We took out our nanocarbon water bottles, the types that used by astronauts in space travel, and drank water to restore energy. So, in less than a minute, we'd be on route to Mars at 70,000,000 mph, which was the speeds currently used by present day spacecrafts as of 2040. Suddenly, when we least expected we heard an announcement from a gruff male voice, over the PA system of the spacecraft.

"Unidentified personnel!" said the voice. "You're not cleared for this spacecraft! Identify yourself at once!"

"Shit! They're onto us!" said Reagan.

"Is it too early for I told you so?" said Jake.

"We need to tell them something!" I said. "Something so they'd clear our paths, letting us fly!"

"Like what?" said Reagan.

"Tell 'em, we're pizza delivery!" said Jake.

"This ain't Hollywood, shithead!" I jokingly told my boyfriend.

"Unidentified personnel! Respond!" said the voice.

"Don't worry, y'all!" responded S.A.L.M.A. "I got it!"

At first, I didn't know what she was talking about, but then K.U.R.T spoke.

"It's a false alarm, sir!" said K.U.R.T. "No one is on board, it's just a message from NASA astronauts currently stationed on Mars. They're coming home and the automated control beacon is calling the ship there."

"Never mind, then!" said the guard on the PA. "Carry on, people!"

The ship then blasted off, at 70,000,000 mph. With Mars being about eight-four million miles away, we'd arrive their soon. What a time to be alive. Consumer vehicles nowadays go up to 800 mph, passenger jets up to 4,000 mph and spacecrafts up to 80,000,000 mph. Not to mention thanks to progressive steps in globalization and world peace, we could call anywhere in the world without roaming charges or travel without a passport to seventy countries. So, illegal immigration wasn't really an existing problem in today's time. I eventually fell asleep, as I was tired. It wasn't gonna be long of a spaceflight.

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