Chapter 39 - The Plan Complete

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Chapter 39 – The Plan Complete

Saturday, July 14, 2046
8:20 PM
Presentation Room, Kanzen Colony
Korolev Crater, Mars

Jake eventually then explained the plan to all of us, on a projector and made sure everyone was aware of their tasks. Sure thing, he planned it out perfectly. Everyone sat down and listened to him.

"I think now is the best time to act. With the company heavily guarded and secure, we don't have time for another plan!" said Jake.

"The idea is to breach the company, find the main terminal and reprogram it." Ajay elaborated more on Jake's plan. "We'll need to turn off their security defenses to carry out the operation."

"The place will be locked down tight, the only way in, is by HALO. I'll base jump from the top of a skyscraper in Downtown Houston and parachute into the building, by landing on the roof." Jake went on. "Once inside, I'm gonna hack the terminal, alongside K.U.R.T and S.A.L.M.A, while Z.E.R.O and C.O.R.A, block out the drone surveillance system."

"Why can't K.U.R.T and S.A.L.M.A do it remotely?" asked Reagan in curiosity. "Why do you need to risk your life, in the jaws of death?"

"Even if we did, we still have our limitations." K.U.R.T explained.

"He's right!" S.A.L.M.A added. "We can remotely do the job, but someone needs to help us to bypass the firewall. Someone human."

"That is where I come in. Ajay also will make sure, his troops on Mars will keep their servers from detecting foreign entities." Jake explained. "Once I've hacked the servers, they'll be down for one hour. But that's more than enough time, to tear down the enemy defenses, and save the other people trapped inside. No doubt this is the work of anti-technology extremists."

"If it's not an old person, then it sure as hell is someone who lost their job to a robot!" said I. "Granted that there have been many Millennials and Gen Z, who've not been pleased with job automation in the last twenty years, but surely this was someone younger than that!"

"It could be someone of our generation, it could be Gen Z. But Millennial? I doubt it. Most of them, are either retiring, or doing side hustles online!" said Reagan. "However, I also could be wrong."

"We will be okay, in the end!" said Jake. "We've rounded up everyone, I've even consulted an old friend of mine, we can do this! We can stop this and beat the culprit at their own game."

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