Chapter 12 - Getting to Know Jake More

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Chapter 12 – Getting to Know Jake More

Wednesday, May 9, 2046
7:31 PM
Galnac VR
Houston, TX

Just got out of the simulation to take a restroom break. So far, already made a good amount of money having worked here three days now. One good thing was, whenever I had my meal breaks, I would sit next to Jake and we'd share one table. As I got to know him more, I was intrigued with his history. Born in 2018, he enlisted in the United States Army at the age of seventeen, despite his family being extreme pacifists and financed his college education, earning a bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering. He became a commissioned officer in two years, serving as a drone and weapons analyst. However, he was shown the hatch after achieving the rank of captain. As you can guess, by 2042, he lost his job to a robot in the military! LOL would be absolutely right!

I didn't laugh though. On the contrary, I felt bad for him. He then got a job as an auto-mechanic, as mentioned earlier in Chapter 11. That also didn't last much longer neither. Most people now own personal robots, ones that work on cars in the middle of the night. Eventually, he came to Galnac VR as the other five billion people in the company did.

"So, want to hang out someday?" said Jake. "I just wanna chill on my own time with you, and that's all. Nothing more."

"Sure, why not? As long as you're not looking forward to being in a relationship with me, I'm good." I declared in honesty.

"Whatever you say, whatever makes you comfortable. I'll hit you up tonight on Discord™, you can tell me what your schedule is. I'm working Mondays till Thursdays, for thirty-five hours per week. I chose to work three and a half ten-hour days. Get off early Thursdays."

"Good deal!" I said. "I can meet tomorrow, 4 PM, after you get off work."

"Pleased to meet you then." He agreed, as he drank his can of Sprite™.

He then tossed me a can. Told me to keep it. I was confused for a while there, as I didn't know what he meant with that gesture.

"You may feel thirsty later on, keep it." He assured me it was okay, and I didn't need to pay him back, and I went ahead, opened Google™ Pay and did it anyways.

"Thank you!" I said in happiness. "I also love this soda. See you tomorrow!"

Believe it or don't, it was a blessed feeling. I felt so good around Jake. I did feel sorry for him, but for a former army captain, he seemed pretty chill. Had to feel sorry for him as he lost his job twice to a robot, whereas I lost my job to automation only once.

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