Chapter 2 - Girl's Night Out!

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Chapter 2 – Girl's Night Out!

Thursday, April 26, 2046
8:36 PM
Neil's Bahr - Downtown
Houston, TX

It indeed is a great time to go out with your besties, to have a beer at a bar. We enjoy the country music that plays in the background. Me and my girls already had ordered five shots of alcohol each.

"Wow, this is the fifth glass I've drank!" boasted Nancy.

"Pretty damn sure by now, you broke your own record!" I said. "It was three for me."

"Shit, I survived till the fourth." Eliza said, disappointed.

"Don't be sad!" I assured her. "You drink too much, we'd be here an extra hour before we go home."

It was then an angry man was screaming at the robot behind the counter, serving as the bartender. Apparently, he didn't agree to the new prices on the beverages. He looked like he was in his late-forties to early-fifties.

"I been payin' $3.99 for my usual whiskey, now you sayin' it's $4.99?" said the jerk to the android.

The android then looked at the man and said, "I'm sorry you're disappointed, but I'm not responsible for pricing. I only serve the customers at this bar."

"Let me talk to your manager!" the man roared loud.

"Sir, I'm going to have to politely ask you to leave." The android calmly told the man. "You're unnecessarily making a scene and scaring the other customers."

The tall lumpy old dude then glared at him. "I dunno what's keeping me from breaking you apart!"

The robot then gave an intriguing response. "Your sense of maturity, plus the costs of repairs if you damage me! For your information, I am worth a small fortune." The android then pointed to the door. "Again, I'm politely going to have to ask you to leave."

The lumpy jerk then got up to go. "Wonders of technology, they can even program assholes these days!" Then he was out the door.

After he walked out, Nancy flicked him off. "Asshole!"

"Wow, Nancy! Had too much to drink?" said me, yours truly. "He truly was an asshole!"

"Just had to do it, Kimberly!" she said. "I just had to."

The girls and I laughed. We didn't touch anymore alcohol and decided to wait about an hour before we got up to go home. We honestly had no fear of walking to our cars late at night, because nowadays, the city of Houston has invested billions of dollars to make sure crime was heavily alleviated with the help of AI and deep learning.

Later on, we made it to our cars. We knew our weekend was gonna be a great one. Just the three of us, and the city.

"Alright, ladies!" said Nancy. "See ya later!"

"Goodnight!" said Eliza.

"Bye." I added.

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