Chapter 42 - Driving Out of NASA

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Chapter 42 – Driving Out of NASA

Monday, July 16, 2046

3:22 PM
NASA Spaceport
Houston, TX

Jake tracked his car on route in Google™ Maps to us. It got off State Highway TX-288 and Beltway 8, onto Interstate 45 towards the NASA facility. S.A.L.M.A made sure the car was off any enemy scopes and radar. Reagan and I listened to Jake and kept a lookout in all directions. We for sure didn't want to attract any unwanted attention.

"How much longer will this take?" said Ajay. "Not to rush, but we already are in danger here."

"Not to worry, general!" said Jake. "There is why we have AI to keep us covered. At least they've sworn allegiance to only good."

It was then the car arrived, sneaking quietly into the facility, as S.A.L.M.A and K.U.R.T opened the gate for the car. What a relief! We then made our way to the car, knowing there were drones above us, blocked out by the two AI. We then got inside the car, and the seats laid flat. We then laid down in the flat seats, as the hatch above us closed, to make it look as if the car was empty and had no occupants.

"Keep your heads down." Jake instructed us. "We need this car to drive us back to your parent's place, Kimberly."

"Consider it done!" said Reagan. "At least it's only until we leave this place."

The car then began to drive in autopilot, and no sooner did it start, it went driving at a good 100 mph. We were leaving the NASA facility and the hatch above us opened, our seats coming back up and we just sat there, for the rest of the trip back home.

A tad bit later...

We finally made it back to Mom and Dad's place. Uncle Kevin and Aunt Sandra were still there, and Ashley of course. Everyone was so relieved to see us alive. Of course, we had to introduce them to Ajay Malhotra. I knew this wasn't over yet.

"I think I may have found a way to help all others being held prisoner!" said Uncle Kevin. "We'll need the help of police, my cousin Amber, is an Assistant Chief in the Miami Police Department."

"The more backup we have, the better!" said Jake. "Hoo-ah?"

"Hoo-ah!" said everyone else, including me.

"Good, we'll need to work on this and find out who or what is doing all this?" said Jake.

"What do you mean by what?" said Aunt Sandra.

"Well, for all we know, we may be dealing with more than just someone. Perhaps something as well!"

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