Chapter 43 - Investigating the Data Center

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Chapter 43 – Investigating the Data Center

Wednesday, July 18, 2046
8:41 PM
Cloud Data Center
Houston, TX

I understood most data centers may have been shut down, and technology may have improved to a point that we were no longer using ONTs, modems and routers to serve the Internet to everyone. However, it was important to note cloud computing data centers were a thing. As huge tech firms such as Microsoft™, Apple™, Google™ and Amazon™ had invested trillions of dollars over the years, to accomplish such a huge task. We arrived at a huge data center near Cullen Blvd and 610 SE.

"This data center processes hundreds of zettabytes of data a second." S.A.L.M.A decided to enlighten us with knowledge. "It's hundred times more than your average smartphone can handle."

"Shit! Data centers about twenty-seven years ago, had the speeds of our phones now!" said Reagan. "To be honest, those don't exist anymore."

"Wonders of globalization as well as outsourcing and technology, indeed!" said Jake. "Although, glad to stay in the States."

"Enlighten me, Jake." Reagan decided to ask. "Why did we need to come here?"

"For one, the answers to this sinister plan, somehow are in the data walls of this place, and also we need to know why this is coming about." Jake went on to explain.

"Keep your heads down, boys!" exclaimed me, witnessing drones flying above the facility. "S.A.L.M.A and K.U.R.T may keep those drones at bay, but I still don't trust those!"

"Even with the strongest algorithms, she is correct." K.U.R.T added, "We cannot control all the drones."

"We're looking for an optical disc, about 50 TB in storage." Jake explained. "Hundreds of times faster and much more powerful than a Blu-ray Disc."

"Shit! They still have those?" I was surprised to hear it. "I thought we did away with those twenty years ago!"

"No, you'd be surprised how many data centers still utilize those!" said Ajay, who was communicating with us on a walkie-talkie. "If anything, we got rid of tape storage back then."

"We need to infiltrate the data center, steal the disc, have S.A.L.M.A and K.U.R.T burn it on a separate disc I have, empty in storage, and read the information from there. We'll eventually take the original disc back with us." Jake explained the plan. "Guards will be put to sleep as we arrive, as the facility has sleeping gas in certain events of thefts and robberies. But we'll have gas masks."

"As for the guards, we'll put them to sleep before you enter, and alter the surveillance footage. But it's only going to last twenty minutes, don't stay in there too long!" said K.U.R.T.

"Good luck, y'all!" said S.A.L.M.A.

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