Chapter 15 - a Good Laugh with the Gals

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Chapter 15 – a Good Laugh with the Gals

Saturday, May 12, 2046
8:11 PM
Niel's Bahr
Downtown, Houston, TX

So, apparently Eliza and Nancy were in no doubt shocked to hear that I have a new boyfriend now. They were indeed surprised, but mainly happy for me. We went to the bar, to get our usual beers.

"So, y'all ended up making it official?" said Eliza in delight. "You go, girl!"

"Thank you!" I said, expressing my gratitude. "I'm happy with him, dude's much more sensible than my ex, Daryl was."

Nancy smiled and hugged me. "This is all I ever wanted for you, girl!" exclaimed Nancy. "I'm happy for you!"

"Just one week in Galnac VR, and already someone met me." I said.

I think I may have said some sort of magic word then, because behind me, someone began to breathe heavily. It was a girl, looked like she was eighteen or nineteen. She looked at me in fear and then left the bar.

"Weird!" I said. "What was that all about?"

"Who knows?" said Eliza. "Maybe just another teen who is mad, she may not have a job anytime soon."

"Perhaps." I began to shudder a little. "That expression and look on her face, didn't seem good."

"Nah, just don't think too much about it." Nancy assured me. "Surely, Eliza is right."

I looked out the window, saw the girl sitting on a table crying, seemingly frightened. I was kinda worried for her. Tried not to think too much on it. But what exactly was it that triggered her mood then? No one knew then.

Later on, I went home that night, but I couldn't stop thinking about that girl. Was it the fact she doesn't have a job and may never get one? Was it the company name I said? Or celebrating that I had a boyfriend now? Why was I even thinking about it? Whatever was going on with that girl was none of my business, and I should just forget about it.

"S.A.L.M.A, goodnight and please take care of the house." I instructed my virtual assistant. "Set an alarm for 7 on days I have to go to work, but 10 for days I don't have too."

"Command confirmed." S.A.L.M.A obliged.

"Thank you!" I said.

Oh, did I forget to tell you? I'm not at my shitty apartment anymore. I know stay in a proper suburban household, with Jake living only two streets away. It was a mid-sized, two-story house, with a garage and heavy security measures, powered by AI and machine learning. Something that was standard issue for us, since 2025. Thank you, Kevin Cross!

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