Chapter 41 - HALO into NASA

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Chapter 41 – HALO into NASA

Monday, July 16, 2046

3:07 PM
NASA Spaceport
Houston, TX

We had entered Earth's atmosphere and then the shuttle began to slow down. Suddenly, Jake and Ajay came and gave us backpacks. They weren't just some ordinary backpacks. No, they were parachutes!

"We need to use these, as the place is still sealed down tight!" said Ajay. "The only way in is by HALO."

"That'd be insane!" I said. "Jumping from a spacecraft and skydiving into NASA? You've got to be kidding me!"

"You got any better ideas?" said Jake. "Didn't think so!"

"That's still nuts!" said Reagan. "That'd be suicide."

"It most certainly would be, if we allow the rocket to come in view of enemies gone on lunch break!" said Ajay. "We'd rather not let them see us, nor raise awareness of our arrival!"

"Makes sense!" I said. "What doesn't make sense if having to do it at such high altitudes, while tumbling down breakneck speeds."

"The shuttle will slow down after arriving the ozone layer and we will be in the exosphere." Jake explained. "We'll have only enough time to put on those goggles, then jump from this shuttle, via the escape hatch!"

"The moment you enter the exosphere, me and S.A.L.M.A will cut the speed enough for the rocket to handle." K.U.R.T elaborated. "Just stay safe and remember to hold your breath as you jump out. You must hold it for thirty seconds, and then please help yourself and steer towards NASA as you jump."

"The moment y'all are 1,200 feet above the facility, work to deploy your parachute." S.A.L.M.A said. "In no less than 700 feet, it should be up. And you should safely land into NASA."

"Well, I'm not all into parachuting hot into a spaceport." Reagan declared. "However, for this mission only I'll make an exception!"

It was finally when we entered the atmosphere. I knew for a while, things were gonna be thrilling, but okay in the long run. So, we strapped up and went to the docking bay, as the shuttle tilted sideways. Yeah, there was a docking bay for skydiving astronauts, standard issue for all American military personnel currently stationed on Mars.

"Get ready, team!" said Ajay as the dock doors began to slide open, being about two thousand feet high! "We jump and deploy our parachutes the next ten seconds!"

"Hoo-ah!" said Jake.

"Wilco!" said Reagan.

"10-4!" I decided to pitch in.

"Go!" said K.U.R.T.

With that, we ran and jumped. Then during the next ten seconds we were diving towards the ground, we saw a flock of pigeons, drones, and wow; a helicopter that held a sign, "We need jobs, not Androids!"

Ten seconds flew by, then he pushed the buttons. Poof came our parachutes, and our falling speed of sixty feet per second began to gradually decline. We were just about sixty feet above the facility, when the parachute slowed us to a safer rate.

"We're never doing that, again!" said Reagan.

"Amen, to that!" I said.

Yeah! We were dizzy, and of course, not every day, someone would HALO from a rocket into NASA. We slowly headed towards the ground when Jake signaled for his car.

"My car will be hear in no time!" said Jake. "Glad the guards are on break, but still whatever you do, keep your head on a swivel!"

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