Chapter 17 - Staying the Night at Jake's

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Chapter 17 – Staying the Night at Jake's

Wednesday, May 23, 2046
9:34 PM
On route to Jake's house
Houston, TX

As I got to go, Jake grabbed my hand. He was worried about this, so was I. But he was more concerned in regard to this news on missing personnel in the office. He then shook his head, signaling me not to go.

"I don't think it's safe for you to go home. I live only two blocks from you." He said. "Come stay with me for some time."

"You serious?" I said. "My stuff is at home. My robo-cat, clothes, and stuff. I can't just leave it all there."

"I understand, but something seems very shady about Galnac VR. I for one, don't wish to have you home alone."

"Aww, thanks! S.A.L.M.A, take the car home. Me and Jake are coming there, shortly."

We shared a kiss, then Jake told me, to sit in his car. I then got in his Mercedes-Benz™ sedan, which was beautiful. Like my car, it had no steering wheel, a large dashboard OLED display, and of course, Google™ Maps.

"C.O.R.A, take us to Kimberly's residence." Jake said.

"Yes, Jake! Let's go!" said the familiar voiced AI, as the car drove to go.

"C.O.R.A?" I was surprised. "The same C.O.R.A, Kevin Cross made at the age of sixteen about two decades ago?"

"Yes, you heard of him?"

"Heard of him? He's my mother's cousin's husband! Sandra, his wife, is my mother's cousin!"

"No, shit!"

"I shit you, not!"

"It amazes me! Small world we live in."

"World? More like universe, in today's day and age."

"Well, for an intelligent app such as myself, I have a healthy enough ego to say, I'm happy with the service provided by me to humanity!" said C.O.R.A, who appeared in her human form, on the dashboard screen.

"I'm glad you exist, too! We're all glad!" said Jake.

I was in no doubt scared about that article I read online. As we drove to my place, with my car following along behind us, I looked out the window. Several drones, of many types (delivery, police, surveillance, cellphone and even weather), hovered above us in the sky.

We finally arrived at my place, I grabbed all my stuff, as well as Sierra and other equipment. I left behind my robotic vacuum cleaners, knowing Jake had some at his residence, which I've not seen yet.

"Alright, Jake. I'm ready." I was tired. "Let's go."

Eventually, we made it to Jake's house. I was struck in awe. His house was beautiful and more expensive looking than mine, not that I was jealous. He was technically our supervisor. It was a gated residence, surrounded by a virtual security fence to keep out any criminals.

"This is new, since last time." I said, recognizing the security systems. "I've heard of this."

"And you heard correctly." Jake responded. "This can't be hacked. State-of-the-art encryption. It'd take decades to penetrate, even with the strongest hacker code."

"Forty-two years, to be exact." C.O.R.A added to Jake. By then, my creator would be old and retired.

"Both my parents would be much older than that!" exclaimed myself. "Truth be told, so would I."

Getting inside his small mansion was honestly as if I was in a palace. Although, due to the tighter security systems placed in the vicinity, to a certain extent, it resembled a prison. Jake showed me my room, in the guest room, where I settled in. Took off my shoes and felt the carpet. It was smooth, soft and the material wasn't wool nor cotton for sure. It was nylon and whatever NASA® and SpaceX® utilized for their beds and other furniture in spacecrafts.

"It's amazing yet average, but it'll do." I said. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight!" said Jake.

We shared another kiss, and it was lights out. Normally, I'd be scared shit, due to whatever may be going on there in the office. But I was sleepy and feeling more comfortable in this bed compared to my own. I eventually fell asleep, knowing Jake and I would investigate more, tomorrow until Monday.

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