Chapter 22 - Planning the Great Escape

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Chapter 22 – Planning the Great Escape

Tuesday, June 12, 2046
4:47 PM
Underground prison camp

So, as you can imagine, every day for the last few days, we were working are ass off at an underground powerplant for ten hours a day for seven days a week, no days off, no access to the outside world, yeah we were getting paid but this was ugh... and we were being supervised by robots. Are humans becoming so stupid that they can't do anymore tasks? Since when did we start putting our faiths in these for our safety, and who the hell programmed these machines to act like God?

Remember when Jake said he needed two weeks to get his plan together? Well, the genius found a way to get the computers down here running, without anyone knowing. So, the computers were now powered up, and now he was hacking some underground cables, which were leading to a transmitter outside. He looked at me, signaling me to check my phone. So, I took out my Samsung™ Galaxy S37, and voila! The reception bars and the 7G network indicator was back. And believe it or don't, even S.A.L.M.A was back. However, she said nothing. I guess she understood the gravity of our situation.

"It's back online." I said. "You truly are a genius."

"Ssshhh... keep it between us!" said Jake. "For now, you have access and so do they, but they shouldn't contact anyone yet. Tonight, we'll relate this plan to them, but we escape this cave next Friday. Sorry to say it, but we need to stay here an extra week, to relate this plan to everyone and then work on escaping altogether."

"I wasn't able to contact anyone for the last two weeks here, the least I can do is tell my parents I'm safe."

"I wouldn't risk that if I were you, but I don't wish for you to be in trouble. But if you insist, I think it's best you let them know where you've been for the last 30 days, but whatever they do, please don't notify authorities."

"Understood, just need to tell them I'm okay. I just need them to have their peace of mind."

S.A.L.M.A then spoke up, although in a whisper. "Just to let y'all know, I'll be there for you whenever you need me. I also will block the cellphone networks for now, so no one has access to their phones, nor do they have a clue. Jake will explain this all to them tonight at 8:00, when everyone is done by 7 and back in the barracks."

I then went ahead to contact both Mom and Dad on Facebook™ Messenger and notified them I was okay, I then explained my situation, however I had to tell them not to take any action. They were no doubt in shock, but they understood the situation and decided not to call the police.

"I trust you, Jake. I'll go back to work now." I said.

"Good deal! See you tonight at 8!" replied Jake.

Jake then went back to work as well. I'm glad we were going to escape this place next week. Although what scared me the most was, was I gonna even have a job after this? Was Galnac VR even a safe place to work at? I didn't know what was going on, but I knew I'll be just waiting patiently.

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