Chapter 11 - Meeting Jake

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Chapter 11 – Meeting Jake

Monday, May 7, 2046
8:44 PM
Galnac VR
Houston, TX

So, it was indeed an amazing first day. I felt great having met an amazing crew of people to work with. Losing my job and stupid boyfriend was a blessing in disguise. At least I didn't have to worry about negative and toxic people anytime soon. In a way, I shouldn't be surprised. A great revolutionary of my parent's time said this almost thirty years ago as a Facebook™ status:

"Love it or hate it, technology is coming for your job. And this will not happen in the distant future. It's been happening since the American Industrial Revolution from 1760 to 1840, and even more rapidly after that. Nowadays, things are changing super-fast compared to forty years ago, we need to adapt faster than generations before us, change jobs every few years more frequently than past generations, and constantly learn new skills. Job automation is not happening in the distant nor near future. It's happening now! 🤬😢🤯😳🤖💀"

To be honest, whoever said that may have sounded crazy. This was spoken and shared via social media around October 2019, a few months after my parents officially entered a relationship. People may have said he was crazy back then, however, unfortunately, for those who didn't believe him, he was telling the truth. Because roughly a decade later, sometime before and significantly after the events of Miami in 2028, in context to the falling of the drug cartel, known as Purple Sword, the same people who criticized and ostracized him, lost their jobs to heavily sophisticated and smarter artificial intelligence programs and machine learning protocols.

Trust me, I travel in a car with no steering wheel, powered by Android™ and I can change between different virtual assistants. Be it Siri™, Alexa™, Cortana™, etc. I even use smarter apps such as S.A.L.M.A, mainly along with C.O.R.A. and Z.E.R.O, some earlier smarter AI apps that came around the late-2020s and early-2030s, respectively.

It was then my eye caught a young man as I headed to my car. He looked cute. He was an employee at my company. He walked up to me, then spoke. I looked at him to hear what he had to say.

"You also a trainee?" asked the dude. "My name's Jacob Saunders, but you can call me, Jake."

"Kimberly, yeah I'm also a trainee." I smiled at him. "Day 1 too?"

"Yeah, just got this job. Before this, I used to work as an auto-mechanic, and that was until last month. It sucked, I just turned twenty-eight recently, too. But this job? It pays a lot more, was better than nothing."

"Makes sense, was an accountant until last week, then me and my best friend got laid off. Nancy is her name. Also, another friend of mine, Eliza lost her job in the medical field too."

"Well, I got to go now." Jake said as he turned to leave. "Take care, and I'll see you tomorrow!"

"Bye!" I exclaimed.

"See you!" replied Jake with more enthusiasm.

It was an awkward feeling, but this time, I felt much better. I think the tides nowadays were turning sooner than ever. Deep inside, I also thought about what Mom said. Maybe one day, I should patch up my relationship with Reagan.

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