Chapter 43

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Jungkook POV

It's probably not even a minute after Yoongi's climbed out of the car that I begin to feel guilt itching away at my insides. I feel terrible already for what I'd said, knowing I shouldn't have said any of it. I was completely in the wrong with all of it, but I couldn't help it.

I can't believe still that he's been out of classes for around a month now and I never knew, never figured it out. It should've been obvious that he hasn't been going, he's had too many 'cancelled' classes for him to have actually been attending and I should've noticed.

I shouldn't have yelled at him though, I shouldn't have been so harsh on him. He's done so much for me ever since I first met him, and I keep fucking up. I only just finally get to be with him again after what should've been an unforgivable mistake, and yet here I am, not even an hour later and I've got him crying outside of the car.

Though, I begin to grow really worried when I notice the flickering of a light outside from the back of the car.

Not hesitating, I quickly climb out of the car as well and round it to the back, heart dropping when I spot Yoongi lighting a cigarette. I immediately pluck it from his lips though, tossing it to the ground and stomping it out before looking back up at him. He's got a saddened expression on his beautiful face, cheeks tear stained and button nose tinted pink. He soon looks away from me though, and my heart sinks even further as I sigh.

Biting my lip, I move to step in front of him so that I'm stood directly in front of him and facing him. He spares me a small glance before looking away once more, making me feel even worse. Placing my hands on his hips gently, he doesn't even look over at me this time, and I can only hope that I can fix this once more.

"I'm sorry for getting mad and saying those things, baby. That wasn't right of me and you didn't deserve that. You were extremely sweet for putting my costs over yours when you really didn't need to and when I wasn't even asking for you to. I just hate that you're missing out on something you love." I apologize softly, standing as close to him as I can with his current position of leaning back against the car. I can feel the reluctance of his actions as he drags his gaze back over to me, just looking absolutely exhausted and rundown at this point. It only makes me hate myself that much more, knowing that I'm the one that's caused all of this.

"I didn't do it because I pitied you, Jungkook. I did it because I know what it's like to need help and having no one there to support you and provide that help you need. I did it because you deserved to be free from your parents and because I didn't need it. Yeah, I enjoy music, but I already knew most of the things I'd been learning in all of those classes." Yoongi mumbles quietly as he looks up at me with his lips jutted out in a soft pout. I give him a sad smile, reaching up with one hand and laying it on his cheek before starting to wipe away his leftover tears.

"Yoongi, you love your music and we both know it." I tell him with a small sigh.

"Jungkook, I love you. I have the piano at the bookstore so that I can still play around with my music and that's not going to change or go anywhere. I don't need the classes to be able to enjoy my music. You're more important to me than those things anyways." Yoongi counters, stopping my heart for a moment. I can't manage to find the words to say for a good thirty seconds, just trying to get my heart to quit racing for a few seconds.

"I love you too, Yoongi." I whisper softly with a shaky smile. He just sighs at this though, pushing himself off the car before I feel him wrap his arms around my waist and lay his head against my chest.

"Now can we please go home? You have classes tomorrow, I'm exhausted, and I get the joys of telling Jin hyung that he either decides to accept us or leave me." Yoongi huffs quietly before looking up at me with another pout. I chuckle softly at this, smiling as I brush my fingers through his hair gently.

"Yes, baby, we can go home now."



I'm so sorry for the delay on these last few chapters everyone! I hope you all enjoyed the story though and thank you so much for keeping up with the story!

Hope to see you all in another one of my stories! I love you guys!

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