Chapter 40

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Yoongi POV

I fall silent at his words, not really knowing what to say. I've missed him like hell this last week and working at the bookstore has been absolute torture without him, but he had been the one who chose to leave. He was the one who decided not to fight for us. He was the one who chose to leave. He's the one who promised and broke it.

"I don't know what to tell you, Jungkook. We both knew this was coming. You and I both knew your parents were going to come at some point and try to take it all from you. We were preparing for it before I ever agreed to give things a chance with you. You knew what was going to happen and you knew I had your back, Jungkook. You're the one that fucking left me. You're the one that gave up without a fight." I mumble quietly, my voice rough as I stare down at the device. I can feel Jin hyung frowning at me all the while, but I just try to ignore him. Hobi is sat next to me anyways, arm around my shoulder while gives me a small smile just to comfort and support me. I don't pay attention to either of them though, wishing I weren't so conflicted by all this. Wishing that none of this had ever happened to begin with.

"Yoongi, please. You don't understand. My parents could do so much shit to you just because of how much money they have. I didn't want to put you in a position that they decided to do that. I didn't want them trying to take anything away from you, baby. Hyung, please, I won't let it happen again. Please, I want nothing more than to have you back. I never should've left, I never should've let them have their way. I know that now, and I'm so fucking sorry for having hurt you like this, hyung, but I swear I was only trying to protect you."

It's evident that he's crying at this point, I can hear it in his voice and as he chokes back on sobs as he speaks. It only breaks my heart even more, wishing I could hold him and comfort him to get the tears to stop. I know I shouldn't feel this way after all the things he's put me through, but he's also been extremely sweet. He was always the sweetest with me before he let his parents take him, and goddamn it I don't want to lose that.

"Promise me. Promise me, Jungkook. Promise that you're gonna fight and that you won't leave again." I choke out as I close my eyes, what's probably a terrible idea already beginning to form in my mind.

"I promise. Oh god, baby, I promise on everything that you hold dear to you." Jungkook cries softly. Taking a deep breath, I hang up the phone before rubbing my hands over my face.

"You shouldn't be forgiving him and you shouldn't be doing whatever it is you're thinking of doing." Jin says with a mildly bitter tone. I glare at him before standing, grabbing my jacket off of the end of the bed. Walking out of the bedroom, I spot Namjoon and Tae sat lounging on the couch they have in their living room.

"Joon, I need to borrow your car." I tell him as I slip my jacket on, Jin and Hobi quick to follow me out of the bedroom. The two other boys turn to look back at me in surprise before Joon is giving me a small smile and nodding his head.

"You know where I keep the keys."

It's barely a minute later when I find myself climbing into the younger boys car and starting it up. Luckily for me, Jungkookie keeps his location on all the time and so I use that to get directions off of before driving off.

I know what I'm doing is extremely risky and probably extremely stupid, but I'm tired of this. I'm tired of all of the judgement and control. I'm tired of bullshit back and forth things that aren't necessary, and I'm tired of Jungkook not being able to make his own decisions.

It's dusk by the time I finally pull up to what I would definitely consider a mansion. It's fucking huge, three stories tall and very clearly expensive. I just scoff quietly at the sight as I pull into the drive and park the car before climbing out and walking up to the door. I can only hope that this won't upset Jungkook and that he actually meant it when he promised me earlier...

Knocking loudly on the door, I run my tongue along my lower lip to feel the cool metal of my lip rings as I wait in anticipation. It's not long before the door in front of me is swung open to reveal both of his parents, disgust quickly forming on their faces.

"You don't belong here." His father snaps coldly. I don't bother saying anything as I step in and shove my way past the both of them. A hand latches onto my wrist, but I don't hesitate in yanking it out of their grasp as I turn back to glare at them.

"Don't worry, I'm just grabbing what's mine and I'll be gone."

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